He's Pretty 4

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Taehyung's perspective

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Taehyung's perspective

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Last night, I couldn't help but think about working with Jungkook. I mean, Mina often comes there and hangs out for hours. She's always wanting to talk to me, distracting me from work. I swear if Namjoon hyung (cousin) sees me getting distracted like that he'll scold me.

If Jungkook and I work together here, I'll have to see him everyday. I wouldn't want that. As rude as it sounds. Yeah, yeah, it was me who offered Namjoon hyung to hire him, but still. I don't know if I can control or not.

I don't know what this feeling is but I'm not liking it one bit. I don't tend to break up with Mina or anything. Beside, I'm not even gay. I'm bi, just confused maybe. Agh,  I have to stop thinking about all these thoughts.

Jungkook's going to be here any minute. He'll probably be wearing black again; looking all so hot and all. Speaking, or may I say thinking about the devil, he's here. Oh, Hyeona is with him.

"Good morning, Taehyung." Jungkook greeted me with a smile. "Hi Taehyung oppa." Hyeona batted her eyelashes. Stop it, it's ugly. "Where's Mina?" She added. "I don't know, probably at home." I shrug.

"Jungkook, your work clothes are inside. C'mon in if you're ready." I turned to walk inside the staff room. "Oh okay." Jungkook followed me behind.

"Thank you Taehyung." He says, as I hand him the work clothes. "No problem."

"Hey, where's Mina?" He asks, when I was about to leave the room. Your girlfriend just asked me that question few seconds ago. "At home maybe." I shrug. "She's probably going to come later." I added.

"I see, Hyeona decided to come and see me at my first job here." He says and starts taking off his shirt. "A-ah, well, I'll see you outside." I rush out the door before hearing what he had to add.

"He's got'chu worked up." Jimin winked at me. "Shut up, Jimin." I smack his head. "I have a girlfriend, thank you very much." I roll my eyes at him and greet a new customer, who just entered. "At least, he seems better than Mina." Just because he may be better than Mina doesn't mean he should be mine.

"She's my girlfriend, don't talk shit about her." I click my tongue and turn around to greet another customer. "Hey guys." Jungkook came out of the staff room. "You look nice." Jimin complimented. "Thanks."

"Taehyung oppa!" Oh, look, my girlfriend is here. Now I'm not the only loner here. Since Jimin has Yoongi, Jungkook had Hyeona and I was a loner. "Hey Mina." I smile at her.

"Hey Hyeona!" Mina waved her hands, making the other customer annoyed by her loud calling. "Mina, quiet down, will you?" I ask in an annoyed expression. She sulked but nodded. I sometimes get so annoyed by her.

"Taehyung, so, we're walking together later right?" Jungkook whispered. I nodded and smiled. "I mean, that's what we agreed on, didn't we?" I quickly add.

"Welcome to Jin's Cafe." Jungkook greeted a customer that just entered. Already starting huh? Nice. Namjoon hyung should be thankful I got him another employee. "You look good in that uniform by the way." What is it with me blurting out things whenever I'm next to him.

"What?" He turned to face me. "Nothing, yeah, nothing." I nervously chuckle. Damn you mouth. "I heard you." He winks and turns around. I'm ruined, yup so ruined. "Has Hyeona ever seen you be emo like this before?" Taehyung, keep your mouth shut, because you be blurting out whatever is in your mind.

"Seriously? Emo?" He gives an expression. "I'm sorry, it just came out." I pout and hang my head down. See Taehyung? Now you've made a impression on him. My subconscious scold me. "Nah, it's alright. I like how honest you are." He grins. "And to answer your question, no, she hasn't seen me like this before."

"Ahh, I see." I slowly nod multiple times. "But, don't pout like that, you're too pretty." He pouts. Right, says the one who's prettier. "T-thanks." Don't tell me I said that out loud. "Umm, I gotta go to the restroom." I rush to the restroom, ignoring his calls.

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a.n: tell me if you want Jungkook's pov :)

n: tell me if you want Jungkook's pov :)

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Fck this shit I'm out

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Fck this shit I'm out.

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