He's pretty 14

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Taehyung's Perspective > > >

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Taehyung's Perspective
> > >

Jungkook hasn't even answered my single texts. I've sent many texts yesterday but he doesn't even read them. He's totally ignoring me.

To Kookie: kookie, please call me asap
[delivered 3:30 pm]
To Kookie: pls stop ignoring my text. Are you okay?
[delivered 3:32 pm]
To Kookie: koooookiee!!! Im sorry ! Please answer me !
[delivered 3:33 pm]
To Kookie: you're not really being emo are you? 😂👏🏼
[delivered 3:34 pm]
To Kookie: srry that was unnecessary :(
[delivered 3:35 pm]
To Kookie: I miss you 😭
[read 3:47 pm]
To Kookie: YOU READ !!! Heeey!!!
[read 3:47 pm]
To Kookie: answer me😭 😭
[read 3:48 pm]
To Kookie: ok fine , just tell me if ur coming to my birthday tomorrow 🙄

From Kookie: yes, I'm coming

To Kookie: you answered😭😭 and yay. I can't wait to see you !

From Kookie: oky

To Kookie: why r u being so mean to me 😵😖

From Kookie: I'm not

To Kookie: do you forgive me?

From Kookie: yeh

To Kookie: let's talk tomorrow k?

From Kookie: sure

To Kookie: r u doing anything stupid?

From Kookie: wt do u mean

To Kookie: u kno. . . emo things 😅

From Kookie: just becz u call me emo doesn't mean I'm emo Tae 🙄😒

To Kookie: u called me Tae 😭😭✊🏼

From Kookie: so wt?

To Kookie: agh 🙄 bye. Cya tomorrow😌😙

From Kookie: bye ❤️

To Kookie: ohh, a heart 😏😏
[read 3:54 pm]

Well, at least I know he's not doing anything stupid like cutting or drowning himself. I'm happy as it is, even if he doesn't forgives me. I'll be happy because he said he'll come tomorrow.

I don't know why I invited Mina and Minjae too. I did not find it awkward for me to invite my cheating ex to my birthday party. It won't really be a party though.

It'll just be me, Jungkook if he comes, Jimin, Yoongi hyung, Seokjin hyung, Namjoon hyung, Mina, Hyeona, Minjae and Hoseok hyung. I haven't seen him in a while now that he's gone off to college and said that he's busy. I guess that's all.

+ + +
a.n: sorry , this chapter was basically supposed to be a 'filler' for the next chapter ;-)

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