He's pretty 12

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Taehyung's perspective > > >

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Taehyung's perspective
> > >

We entered the cafe and were greeted by Jimin and Yoongi hyung. "Good morning guys." Jungkook and I both greeted. "It's so cold outside, gosh." I said shivering. "I know right, anyways, your birthday is coming up, are you celebrating?" Jimin asked.

"Yeah, was about to talk about that but you beat me to it." He laughs and nods. "And yeah, I am celebrating it. I was planning on inviting you two and other people too." Jungkook walks to the staff room to change. I follow suit after him.

As I enter the staff room, he was taking his shirt off. "Oh my god." I whisper to myself. "Why are you so shy? You've already seen me shirtless before, beside, we're both guys." I turn around to look at him as I heard him talk.

"I know that." I mumble and start taking my shirt off. "Are you going to keep on staring at me?" I say as he wasn't taking his eyes off me. He smirked and came closer to me. "Wh-what are y-you doing, Jungkook?"

"You know, I never expected you to have abs like this." My face turned red. I quickly put on my work clothes clearing my throat. "I'll see you outside." I ran outside the staff room with my cheeks burning.

"Taehyung, are you okay?" Yoongi hyung asked me. "Wh-what? Of course I am, haha why wouldn't I be?" Yeah, as if he'd be convinced with this acting. "Okay then." Is this guy serious? That's it!? The 'I don't give a shit' Yoongi is back today, I wonder what happened.

"Hey Jimin, is everything alright with you and Yoongi hyung?" I asked Jimin who was busy cleaning a table. "Why'd you ask?" He suspiciously said. I squinted my eyes looking at him doubtfully. "Because he's back to being the I don't give a shit Yoongi, and you know that only happens when something's wrong with him."

"Nothing, really, don't worry." He waved me off. "Stop lying, tell me." He sighs and nods. "Yoongi hyung's going back to Daegu for new years and I thought we'd be able to spend the New Years together." He pouts. "Poor you." I snickered, getting a smack on my head. "Ow!"

"That's what you get for being mean. Now if you'll excuse me, I have important things to do." I stand there nursing the place where he had just smacked me. The bell on the door rang reminding someone's coming in. "Welcome to Jin's Cafe." I bow. When I looked up it was Hyeona.

"Ah, good morning Taehyung oppa, is Jungkook here?" I was about to say 'no he's not here, go away' but since that's rude, "Yes he is." I reply. Damn, I hate being nice sometimes. But why am I even thinking these, I mean she's his girlfriend. I have no right to say no when he's right here.

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