He's pretty 6

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Taehyung's perspective > > >

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Taehyung's perspective
> > >

From kookie: Tae Gud morning !
To kookie: good morning kookie !

From kookie: ur late. Come outside.
To kookie: seems the opposite 😋

From kookie: wateve just come outside❤️
To Kookie: oky ! ^^

He sent a heart. Was I supposed to send a heart too? Nah, he just probably sent it by accident. Shrugging, I went outside. There he was, at least he wasn't looking all emo.

"Jungkook!" I waved as he waved back smiling sweetly

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"Jungkook!" I waved as he waved back smiling sweetly. "Good morning." He chirped. "I'm sure you sent me a morning text just few seconds ago Kookie." he pouts, slightly hitting my right arm. "Ow, Kookie's mean." I fake cried.

"Oh-My-God, I didn't mean to! I'm sorry." I started to laugh as he looked worried holding my arm. "Oh God, I was just playing." I stopped laughing when I noticed that Jungkook was giving me a serious look.

He started walking away, leaving me confused. "Jungkook! Wait up!" I walk up to him and yank his arm. "What happened?" I ask as he just gave a blank face. "Seriously?" Why is he mad all of a sudden? "Stop joking too much." He sternly says, taking me aback.

"Sorry," I lower my head, I guess I already messed up big time. Instead of a 'no problem' or 'it's okay', I got a warm hug. "Don't joke about you getting hurt." He whispers. My heart's beating so fast, what is this? "I know it seems as a joke to you, but it's not to others, to me."

It was sweet. "Sorry Kookie, I won't do it again." He kisses my head, out of habit I guess. "It's okay." He lets go of the hug and smiles sweetly as if nothing just happened. "C'mon, lets go." He lends his hand and I gladly take it.

Holding hand with a friend is totally okay, beside it's not like we haven't done this before. It's not like we're couple or something. We're friends, good friends. No less, no more. It feels good to hold his hand though. I like the feeling of holding his hand. "Jungkook," He hums swinging our hands.

"You look good." I stare at him. He turns his head towards me and smiles, his bunny teeth showing. "Thank you Taehyung, you do too." I nod and look at our intertwined hands. Does he also feel this tingling emotion while holding our hands like this?

"Taehyung," He calls out. I hum and look at him. "Nothing, never mind." He sighs and looks around. I wonder what he was about to say. He's done this twice.


Today was peaceful and quiet day with not so much customers around. No Mina, no Hyeona. Just us friends working together. I'm so happy for Jimin. Yoongi hyung and Jimin have been crushing on each other since last year of middle school and now they've finally ended up together.

At first, Yoongi hyung seem too lazy of a person, but if you get to know him, you'll know how much of a caring person he is. He's very sweet just like sugar. Look at me using simile. School day was so fun that sometimes, I miss it now and then.

"You ready?" Jungkook asked as he stepped into the staff room.  I nod and walk out the door with him by my side. "Hand." He says bringing his open hand in front of me. I just smile and grab his hand gently.

It's very warm. We started to walk until we came to an alley that was not too far from the alley and saw two people close to each other. "Isn't that Mina?" Jungkook asked pointing at the girl. "Mina?" I shout her name.

The couple looked towards us and I knew it was her and my co-worker, MinJae. What are they doing here alone? "Taehyung oppa?" Mina called out. Was she cheating on me? Jungkook squeezed my hand.

"You seem busy, I'll see you tomorrow, Mina." I walk away dragging Jungkook with me. "Are you okay?" Jungkook asked in a worried tone. "Don't worry, I'm okay." I reassure him. "My home's here Kookie, I'll be going in." I let go of his hand, it already feels cold.

"Taehyung," Jungkook calls out. "Good night." He pulls me into a hug. It felt so warm. Everything about him makes me feel warm. It's like he's secretly a warm cuddly blanket. "Good night Jungkook." I tighten the hug.

We stayed for a while, neither of us wanting to let go. I snuggle closer to him and bury my head into his neck. "Go home and rest." He says softly. I don't want to let go. "Okay." I was about to let go of the hug when he tighten it.

I let him be. "I feel alone, I moved out to my own apartment so, I feel alone and cold." He whispers, his tone seeming sad. "It's okay. I can always come and be with you, just call me." This makes me think of the song I've recently been addicted to; One Call Away by Charlie Puth.

"Thank you." He kisses my head again, just like he did in the morning. I pull away from the hug smiling. "Bye." He turns around to walk away but I still don't want to let go for some reason. I want to be with him; he makes me feel warm.

I grab his wrist and kiss his cheek. "Bye Kookie! Good night!" I quickly head inside my home, blushing madly. I don't know why I did that. Probably thanking him for keeping me warm both emotionally and physically.

Am I in love with you? Or am I in love with the feeling ?

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a.n: so they're making progress. yay

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