He's pretty 18

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Taehyung's Perspective > > >

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Taehyung's Perspective
> > >

"Let's go to my place to get my stuff." I nodded as we got up from our cuddle position. "Jungkook," he hummed and looked at me. "Is everything going to be okay?" Because honestly, I don't know what will happen when Hyeona and Jungkook breaks up.

"stop worrying too much, it'll be okay." Nodding, I went to my closet and took out a clothe to wear for today. "Nice ass." I blushed in embarrassment as Jungkook commented. "Pervert."

"Really though." He chuckles while I'm getting redder each seconds. "Sh-shut up." I quickly put a shirt on and pull my pants up. "Let's go."

"Are you really going to break up with Hyeona?" I asked, swinging our intertwined hands. "Hmm." He hums and continues walking ahead. "Kookie, but isn't that a bit harsh on Hyeona?" He halts on his steps and looks at me. "Stop worrying too much, didn't I say it'll be okay?"

I want this, but the guilt's always rushing into me and takes it over and I don't like it one bit. I really do hope Hyeona is going to be okay. I'm not sure what awaits, really. "Does she know you're bi?" I questioned as we started walking.

"No, she doesn't." Then how'd she react if she saw us together? Will she be acceptable? Will she cry? I hope she won't. I don't want anyone to cry because of me. It'll be too much to take. "Kookie, are you really sure you want to do this?" I asked. There are just too many questions that are in my head and they're eating me up.

He sighs heavily and holds my shoulders, my hand already feeling cold. "Please. stop. Worrying. Too. Much." He slowly says. I nodded hesitatingly. Pulling me toward him, he attaches his lips onto mine. The kiss already making me feel relieved.

But, few seconds to the kiss, I felt a presence between us. Jungkook looked to his side to only to see Hyeona's terrifying expression. I quickly detached from Jungkook and looked at the now the terrified Hyeona.

"O-oppa," her voice cracking. "Wh-what's go-going on h-here?" She stepped back a little. Her eyes getting teary. "Hyeona I—" "I clearly saw what happened, but what I want to ask is that why? Why are you guys kissing like this!" She yelled, making me flinch. I stood there statue still.

Hyeona then turned her head to look at me. "You!" She slapped me across my cheek. "You are disgusting!" She yelled in my face. "Hyeona!" Jungkook raised his hand but I stopped him. "You should go to hell you fucking faggot!" She yelled again at me. I deserve it.

"I swear to god if you say one more thing like that, Hyeona!" Jungkook shouted. This isn't what I wanted. This is all my fault. I caused all these. "Why'd you do this?" She broke down on her knees. "I'm sorry." Jungkook kneeled and rubbed her back.

I stood there, a palm in my cheek where she had slapped me few seconds ago. "Didn't you love me? Wasn't I enough? Why didn't you tell me you liked boys?" She began questioning. Her questions making me flinch.

Was she like those homophobic people?

"Did you even liked me?" She started crying. This isn't what I wanted. I didn't want her to cry. I didn't want her to be like this. I feel bad. I feel guilty. It's all my fault.

"No, I didn't. I'm sorry." She looked at him with her eyes widened. "what about all those time we kissed and talked?" She looked at him in the eyes. I awkwardly watched them.

"I'm sorry." He hung his head low. "I used you to get closer to Taehyung. When you first sent me the friend request, I went to your wall and saw picture of Mina and Taehyung that you were tagged in and I instantly took a liking in Taehyung and so I confirmed your friend request. We started to talk and eventually you asked me to be your boyfriend, I obviously wanting to know more about Taehyung said yes and so all these happened." Jungkook used Hyeona to get me?

I started running towards my house crying even though there were people giving me weird stares. I didn't care at the moment. I can't believe Jungkook used someone to get someone else.

"Taehyung! Wait!" I heard Jungkook call.

"Please wait!"

"I'm sorry."

"Please don't you leave me too."

I heard a slapping noise, and so I stopped to look back to see that Hyeona had slapped Jungkook and started walking away. I wanted to go to him and hug him but I couldn't.

He used someone else. That's wrong. Using someone to benefit yourself. I love him, but what he did wasn't right. I need time to take all these.

Why'd you do that, Jungkook? I think I would've liked you if we were to meet even without having our girlfriends. It would've been easier.

+ + +
a.n: there once was this girl who was alone in her room , bored out , and had nothing better to do than to troll
the end


Them in future

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Them in future

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