He's pretty 15

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Taehyung's Perspective > > >

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Taehyung's Perspective
> > >

"Now, don't make too much of a mess, okay?" I sighed for the hundredth time and nodded. "Okay mom, now just go and have fun with your friends." I kissed her cheek and pushed her out the door.

Where's that midget? He said he'd come and help me decorate for today. I swear if he's cuddling with Yoongi hyung.

To chimin: yah! WhEre r yoU!
[delivered 2:30pm]

From chimin: I'm COming! Yoongi hyung wanted me to carry him >\\<
To chimin: poor you. Anyways, COME FASTER U DUMBO!
From chimin: I AM ! 😒 Idek how am I texting you while carrying him.
From chimin: I'm the one who's writing , not you shortstuff
To chimin: Yoongi hyung?
From chimin: yeh , anyways, we're almost there bye

They're so cute together. I hope nothing bad ever happens to this couple. I don't want my two best friend to not talk after they break up or if something happens. "Taehyung-ah, open the door!" They banged my door.

"Yah! stop banging my door!" I forcefully opened the door. They just rolled their eyes and headed inside shoving me aside. "You guys are so much of a trouble." They scoff as Yoongi hyung got off of Jimin.

"Well, we troublemaker (a.n: DON'T, it's not a reference to the group so lol don't comment) are the ones who're helping you now." Jimin nodded after Yoongi hyung gave his 'speech'.

"Anyways, Jungkook said he's coming!" I squealed. They look at me shaking their head. "I know you haven't seen him in a week but stop acting like a high school girl please, it's cringing." Yoongi hyung made a face.

I pulled my tongue out and made a face back at them. "What are we? Elementary kids?" Jimin scoffed. "Whatever. Let's decorate!!"

"Oh, but first, happy birthday." They both said at the same time. Did they come here all practiced? Gosh, they act like two-in-one.

"Thanks guys," I whisper-thanked. I was waiting for Jungkook to wish me first, but he didn't. Guess, I hoped too high. "Where are the decorates?" I pointed towards the counter where all the decorates were at.

Jimin nodded and brought them to the living room. I suddenly don't feel excited anymore. I don't even know if Jungkook's going to come or not. I wish we could've just met at different time and not when we had girlfriends to introduce us instead.

Sigh, everything doesn't come as we wish for. I don't even know what we were. Friends? Friends with benefit? Boyfriends? Of course not boyfriends, he never asked for me to go out with him, he just confessed, he didn't asked me to go out with him.

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