He's pretty 3

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Taehyung's perspective > > >

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Taehyung's perspective
> > >

To Jungkook: hey
[sent 4:30 p.m]

To Jungkook: heey

From Jungkook: who may you be?

To Jungkook: Taehyung

From Jungkook: OH HEY!

To Jungkook: hey. So my cousin said you can come to work from Monday.

To Jungkook: which is tomorrow. can u make it?

From Jungkook: yeah of course ! I look forward to !

To Jungkook: oh great. Well, my break time is finished so I gtg.

From Jungkook: is it okay if I come there now?

To Jungkook: of course you can. I mean you'd come as a customer so yeh

From Jungkook: hihi okay

To Jungkook: ight. I gtg. Bye Jungkook

From Jungkook: bye Tae !

"Taehyung, that guy is here again." Jimin nudged me. I look up to see Jungkook smiling down at me cutely. He's wearing black again. What is he? Emo when he's not with his girlfriend? "Hi Tae." Jungkook waved his hand. "Hi Jungkook." I smiled back.

"Hello." Jungkook bowed to Jimin. "Hello, I'm Jimin." Jimin greeted back. "I'll be working here from tomorrow, I hope you'll treat me well." Jungkook smiled and bowed again. "Oh, of course! I hope you'll like it here." Jimin's eye hid inside his face as he smiled again.

"This is Yoongi." Jimin pulled Yoongi hyung and introduced him. "Hello, I'm Jungkook." Jungkook greeted. "Hey, I'm Yoongi, like he mentioned earlier." Yoongi hyung greeted and headed to a table to clean.

"What'd you like?" I finally asked Jungkook. "I'd like mocha frappe." He smiled. Why don't you quit smiling? He smiles every second, as if he has nothing else to do as an expression. "Be right back sir."

"Ayy, please stop with the 'sir'" I nodded, heading to drink maker to get his drink.

"Mocha frappe!" I shout the order of Jungkook. He came walking faster to the counter. "Here you go." I smiled, the rule; you have to smile at the customer. "Thank you." He said and headed back to the table he sat on last time.


From Jungkook: I'm lonely are you free?

Why is he messaging me when we're in the same place. I look up from my phone to his direction, he was looking back smiling.

To Jungkook: why not invite Hyeona?

I suggest. Seriously, after our double date that day, I haven't seen him with her. Maybe because we haven't gotten together but oh well.

From Jungkook: I could use a break >\<
From Jungkook: we were hanging out earlier few hours ago.

Oh well.

To Jungkook: oh well haha. I can't sorry :(

I mean, I would, but my cousin is scary. If he sees me not working, he might scold me.

From Jungkook: aww :(

I look up to him frowning at his phone screen. Cute.

To Jungkook: maybe we can walk home together when my shift finishes :/

From Jungkook: REALLY! Of course!

He's grinning like a child. So cute.

To Jungkook: yeah ^^ 30 more mins to go ;)

From Jungkook: I'll wait :D

To Jungkook: okay :) bye. Haha we're in the same place Jungkook stop texting me 😂

From Jungkook: ik but still 😏

To Jungkook: ight. Bye :)

"Hey Jungkook," I call out, as we walked towards my home. "Which way is your home?" I ask rubbing my hands together, since it was a little cold tonight. "This way," he points to the same road as mine. "I guess we'll be walking buddies from now on." He adds.

"Are you cold?" He asks as he stops on his trail. "Yeah, a little. Don't worry though." I smile at him. "Here, let me help you with that." He takes my hand and intertwine our hands. "Wh-what are you doing?" I thought he was an innocent man, he's too straightforward.

"Don't worry, it's to keep your hand warm." He smiles and starts walking. "Ah-ahh, okay."

"Hey Taehyung." He calls out. "Yeah, what is it?" Just because we're holding hands and my heart is beating fast doesn't mean anything. Get it right Taehyung. "I'm glad I met you." He grins and swings our intertwined hand.

"I see, I am too."

"Well, this is my home." This may be the first time I hated that my house was so close to the cafe. "Aww already?" He whines. "Well, I'll see you tomorrow at work, Tae." I like how he calls me Tae.

"Yeah, well, see you tomorrow Jungkook." He hasn't let go of my hand though. "I'd prefer Kookie." That's an adorable nickname. "Oh okay," I nod. "Jung- kookie, you can let go of my hand now."

"Oh, I'm sorry." He releases my hand. I already miss the warmth. "Well, see you tomorrow kookie. Bye." I turn around and walk inside my house. A perfect little home for two; me and my mom. Dad? Well, he died two years ago. I miss him. He was the best dad ever.

From Jungkook: good night Taehyung.

I look forward to tomorrow, Kookie.

* * *
a.n: chapter 3 up !

Sorry for short chapters. But hey, it's cute ;) i ain't having no angst in this book <3

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