Chapter 12

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I woke up intertwined in her body. I missed her. I ran my hands through her curls. I missed her so much and goddamn her love making felt so damn good. Her lean body spread across the bed. I climbed on top of her and kissed her slightly. I smirked with a sneaky idea. I slipped off her boxers and ran my hand over her jewel. I missed how she tasted. The whole night she just made love to me until my body collapsed. She took her time on everything. She said she wanted to remark me as hers so i let her. Boy did i love it. I slipped down and took her cl*t in my mouth. She jumped and moaned.
"Fuck baby"she moaned as I sucked her cl*t. I used my teeth to lightly press on her cl*t nd my tongue to flick the same area i pressed she grabbed the back of my head. I loved feeling her wetness coat my tongue. I moaned and grabbed her hips.
"Shit shit" her back arched. I used that as my opportunity to twirl my tongue and moved to her p*ssy hole. She jumped.
"mmm"Her moans sounded so sexy. I buried my face deeper and she jumped.
"Goddamn mm" she moaned i did the thing she love and she moans loud and her body shakes. "Ah ah Tima take mmmm" she screamed a little before releasing in my mouth. I moaned and kept going. I had her body shaking had. The last time she came it sprayed down my throat. I smiled.
"Well damn wonderful way to wake me up" she said hoarsely.
"Good morning" I said and kissed her.
"Ima make u breakfast" i said and hopped down.
"Alrite" she said and cuddled on my bed.
I walked my bedroom to see lily coming out her room.
"Lily" i called. She turned and smiled. But i knew that smile. I sighed.
"Hey boo" she said leaned against the wall because she can't seem to stand on her own and she looks like she on some shit.
"Lily comere" I said. She walks over to me.
"What?" She said. I looked at her long and hard. I instantly got pissed off.
"You on that shit again aren't you!?" I asked loudly.
"What are you talking about" she said.
"You snorting aren't u." I said folding my arms.
"So what if I am Tima" she said. Her body swayed.
"I told u about that!" I said. I fucking hated when she snorted. Lily was already unstable. I know how my best friend is pretty messed up. I know she isn't right and snorting white stuff up her nose doesn't help at all. She was shirtless and just pjs.

"Maddy you know you not suppose to mix that stuff with your day to day meds and where the fuck you get it from"I said.
"None of your business" she snarled.

"Lily!?" I said.

"Fuckinng what" she said. She looked so fucked up.

"We talked about this if you on that shit again you gonna have to bounce. I am not bailing you outta prison again Lily" I frowned.

"That was one fucking time Tima and that wasn't my fault" she said getting pissed.

"So beating the shit out of guy with a goddamn pipe wasn't your fault?" I asked sarcastically.

"No because he shouldn't of been talking shit" She laughed.

"You got a addiction Lil-" I started.

"YOU'RE NOT MY MOM Tima." She yelled in a kid voice. I hate her....I truly do.  I sighed.

"Fuck it you wanna kill ya self with that powder shit then fine" I huffed. She chuckled annoyed and I heard her grab keys. I am so fucking tired. I hate when she snorts again. She was dangerous as fuck and I was scared of her. The last time she argued with me while she was on coke she damn near killed me. I mean we literally got in a fight and she broke a bottle on my head. I mean I was fucked up too and I stabbed her with a knife. But after that night I stopped popping mollies. I was fucked up while I was on it like anything triggered me. I was also mixing it with alcohol. I sighed and finished cooking for Char.


     I keep replaying the same events from last night in my head. I couldn't believe it. Like I am fucking with my potential girlfriends best friend? But then again we haven't labelled anythings so is it really bad? I mean we just kissed. I haven't had sex with either of them. But now...I think I'm more drawn to Lily. I rethink all the event and come to think about it shes always been there I just was blinded by my lust for Fatima I didn't see her. But Jesus she created more then lust she created a deep internal craving. She has so much shit I want to know. She gave me that mixed up fear and joy feeling. Like my stomach be in knots. Like she scared the fuck out of me but I liked that shit. I decided to call her. The phone rang and I got the nervous shit again

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