Chapter 31

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Im sitting here staring at myself in the mirror. I wasnt sure whether to be happy or sad. I mean it makes sense right. Let explain how I got here.

*moments earlier*

We were in a penthouse that Kiy had gotten from Viv. We were gathered around drinking and listening to music. My sister somehow weaseled her way her. It was me, Kiy,  Peb and Joey oh and that demon on a sister I had.

"I'm sitting here pissed because you really put me on hold to answer the phone and I'm covered from face to titties in you cum" Kiy explains the story of how she met Viv's mom on FaceTime.

"I hear the beep for a FaceTime and this bitch answer. I'm on the kitchen counter like there is no towel our clothes are upstairs and

"Wait how did she get cum on your titties and face" my sister asked. The room got quiet. 

"So nobody told her?" Kiy asked. I shrug. 

"I didnt think one this conversation of how you met Viv's mother and cum on your titties correlated." I said chuckling.

"My girlfriend has a dick baby girl so when she cums it kind of spur-" Kiy

"Whoa no I know how a dick work how does she have one" my sister asked.

"This is why I didnt wanna invite her you guys deal with it" I said.

"Well a birth defect but I might say a gift because that bitch can sling it"Kiy said.

"Praise em" Joey said

"Any woman that can sling pipe attached or detachedable shall here by be deemed a goddess for she has the blessing of multiple orgasms" Kiy said up and started preaching

"Preach" I said.

"And and she shall be deemed the slayer of gspots, the corruptors on mental psych"

"Tell em"Peb says using a magazine to fan her self.

"Lets not talk about the tongue game for thou who slayeth the tongue shall run and make a bitch speak in em"

"Sha na nanah" Joey speaks in tongue. I am dying

"Sisters of the A1 sex game shall we recite" Kiy said.

"For those who sling good dick shall catcheth the hands if she shall step out, if she layeth the pipe and sucketh the soul every night anyone outside shall meet the maker in heaven for the d*ck belongs to me, that mouth belongs to me and she shall be my wife in heavenly matrimony. If she can make me cum she can catch these ones" We all but my sister recited.

"Can I get and A- OONNEEE" She said.

"A-One" we all said and bust out laughing.

"But they women" my sister said. I sighed as the whole room looked like they were bout to jump her.

"Look we are all gay, we are all stud for stud we are all with women if this conversation is going to be a problem you can get the fuck out" I snapped.

"I'm just saying I mean it make sense for Kiy because isn't your girl kind of like a man but the rest of you its plastic so can it really be that good" she said,

"Yes it can while it is detachable and reattach does not mean it less. If she know how your body works she can make a stroke that light you  up the toy gives her more control and honey best part is you don't have to stop after they cum" Pebbles chimed in.

"You ever have a female strap you down like really strap you down make ya leg shake arch that back and can keep going because when you cave baby you cave" Joey says

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