Chapter 26

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"Why did you continue the affair Ms.Kingston" the woman by the name Jackie said.
"It wasn't an affair I wish you would stop calling it that" I snapped. I would say I was mad but these pills made my head swim. I been in this asylum for 6 months. I have been piped up on med. All this because of love. See in my case love drove me crazy, love made me do things I never thought I would gave me life. It made my blood pump, my adrenaline rush, my made my heart pound.

"You knew what she was before you even started the...relationship"she asked again.

"I loved her"

"She corrupted you and brainwashed you she made you become someone who isn't you. She ruined you" she pressed.

"No she didnt she....she unlocked something. She didn't brainwash or corrupt or ruin anything she unlocked a box one she only had the key too. I loved...I still love her and not matter the amount of pills you dope me up with wont change that."I said.
"She left you, your stuck here imprisoned in a area you don't belong in" she pushed. If only they knew the amount of love I had for that woman. I don't regret anything I know what I did and felt so fucking good. I started laughing and moved close to the detective woman and whispered...
"Where is Sania Romez" she demanded. I just smiled.i rubbed my tummy.
"She'll never die you know, my papi lives me." I watched the detectives eyes grow big and full of shock.
" She's coming for you and when she does" I looked up from my tummy and leaned close to her and whispered
"You're all dead" I whispered and let out a cackle leaning back. The lights went out.

We got to our place and I just laid down on her. I turned my phone off completely. My attention was souly on her. She was rubbing my head and humming softly.
"God i missed you" I said and inhaled her scent. I know i was in jail for like 2 days it felt longer.
"I got a present for you" she whispered. I looked at those chocolate eyes and smile.
"Come on" she said. I noticed we were going to the basement. I was kinda confused then she opened the door. I laughed when I saw what it was. I saw Trina hanging from the ceiling by chain. She looked like she had took a beating. She saw me and instantly started balling.
"I know she aint your particular choice of women but what she did i figured you would want to deal with her" she said. Trina body had burn mark, bloody patched. I smiled. Fucking psychopath. I love it.
"Aww baby" i said smiling. Zara was so proud. 
     Her body gave out with exhaustion and she eventually died. I wrapped her body up in a carpet and put it in the drunk.
"That was short lived" zara pouted
"Well babe you stabbed her like 70 times" i said. My baby was so pretty those pretty eyes and smooth skin. She lit a blunt and gave it to me. Oh how i missed drugs. It was nice to have her with me. I couldn't help but look at her as she sang horribly to the song playing. This woman is crazy. But....she's mine. My phone went off.
"Looks like we got some work to do baby" i said. She smiled.
"Lets get it" she said. I felt that warm feeling in my chest again. Little did i know she was my backbone and had me better then anyone. Her loyalty was something irreplaceable.

                   1 year later
    I listened to best part humming to the words while makint breakfast. Must I say I am a damn good cook. Zara been bugging me about opening my own restaurant and each time i said no. Its just too much stress that i can function without right now. I heard her turn off the shower water. In the year alone we moved. We moved to a bigger house on a cliff right above the ocean. My baby loved it. We also have a huge pool because later in our relationship I discovered she loved swimming. Odd but seeing her do her laps back and forth was relaxing and honestly sexy as hell. Her back and legs muscles working and moving was such a sight. She always woke up at right before the sun came up did a few laps around the pool and stayed to watch the sun rise. That was how she started her day. I on the other hand abused the hell out of some punching bags anf the gym equipment in our downstairs gym. She came down her hair was wet. I always loved when she washed her hair it always struck in to beautiful ass curls. I asked her to wear her hair up curly more often but she says she hates it.
"Morning baby" she said with a smile.
"Good morning want some food?" I asked.
"Duh" she said. Our kitchen has an island with marble tops that she absolutely loved. It had all stainless steel appliances and black cabinets. She designed the while house basically i just signed the check. Which her business once she mixed mt families with it and used it a cover and peddling of cash is almost a multi million dollar company and she had to expand her staff and her place. A lot of my mother clients loved extravagant parties and event so what better person then a highly renonuned event planner. She was in my button down and nothinf else. I kissed her neck and inhaled her smell.  Oh how I love her body wash. It was a smell so damn good make u wanna..... Lemme stop.  I went straigh for them lips
"Mmm" she moaned and pulled me closer. She dug her nails in my back.
"Mmm baby stop u gotta eat" I said.
"You do too" she purred.
"I made eggs florentine and spinach" i said
"Okay gimme" she said. I laughed.
"Fattie" i said. I made her plate and hor a fork full and fed her the first bit.
"Mmm so good" she said and took the fork. I cleaned the kitchen while she sat on the counter eating happily.
"You happy my queen" i asked
"Yesss what else you make i smelled bacon" she said with a mouth.
"Yes I did just regular turkey bacon since all of a sudden u hate pork bacon"i said. Yeah one day she said the smell of pork bacon just made her sick. So i haven't made it sense. I know what you're thinking no she is not pregnant we check that day and it wad negative. We heard our door open.
"Helloooo!" I heard and knew it was Viv.
"Auntie!!!" I heard her daughter, Jannie screamed.
"Hey babygirl" zara said as jannie ran up to her. I helped her down from the counter. She hugged Jannie.
"Wassup my dawg" I said and dapped Viv.
"Nun much I needed a daddy daughter day you know what im saying" she said.
"Auntie I hungry I want some" Jannie said and pulled at my pajama pants. 
"Well ask your Auntie Zee to fix you a plate" I told her.
"Hey I am dying for a smoke break Zee can you watch her" Viv asked.
"Yeah i got her bye" she said.
"U getting thick Zee" Viv said and Zara flicked her off. We went out to the patio and I gave her a cigarette.
"So I need your help with something" I said
"Wassup?" She asked.
"i been thinking bout this for a while now and I need you and Kiy help since Kiy is Zara best friend and you know how to do this shit because you've done it before" i saif and lit a cigarette.
"Anything what u need?" Viv said after a long intake of the cigartette.
"i need yall help picking out a ring for Zara. Im going to propose to her" I blurted out and Viv instantly started choking
"Are you dead ass?" She said her whole face full of shock.
"I been thinking about it for a long time and I aint getting no younger she aint either and she literally my ridah, she webt all in for me. I know its early but you just kinda know and I fell it in my chest." i said. I had been holding that in for a few months now.
"Holy shit the infamous Sania Romez is ready for the big M the marriage oh shit never thought I would see the day hell yeah Ill help you. Kiy will too oh shit can I been your best man!" She gushed like a a school girl. I laughed .
"Help me plan this then yes yes u can" I said.
"bet" she said.
"She the one and it time for me to tie it down for good" I said. I meant every word. She really is my other half early or not she meant for me and I know it. I think I always knew it. She is and always has been mine. Now she about to be my wife.

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