chapter 25

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    I watched them take my woman. She wasnt even phased.
"Lemme talk to her" She said. They held still
"10 seconds" they said. I leaned up and kissed her. It turned intense. She bit my lip as she pulled away.
"You got me right?" She said. I knew that code we talked about that code. I nodded.
"I got you" I said.
"Its the little things that count" she said and kissed me again. Her sister gave her a nod.
"Come on Romez i hate to do this shit to ya" the lady said.
"Aww Gonzalez you love seeing me come on" she said and was placed in the back of the car.
      That night her phone went off as expected. I agreed to take care of her buiness while she was away. I needed to know what the charges were. She was on probabtion so i knew they would at least try to hold her longer. I got dressed and drove out to make these drop for her. I had to go pick up the stuff from Char. I pull up at her house. I get out. I was fully dressed in my all black and black jays. I knocked and of course her bitch answered the door.
"Oh hey" she said.
"Where Char?" I asked
"Damn i dont get a hi how you doing" she said.
"Fuck you and suck my dick backwards so once again where Char" i said. She sucked her teeth.
"Come in" she said and stepped to the side. I walked in and waited in the kitchen for her.
"Wassup" she said she eas shirtless. See for somebody 40 years old she damn sure looked good for her age. She had a nice body but it was nothing close to my papi.
"I know i make 40 look so good"  she said. I rolled my eyes.
"You concieted bitch lemme get her stuff for tonight." I said.
"You pulling moves?" She asked.
"Yeah, im always with her when she do em. Can you come on though. I gotta run out with Vivian later tonight" I said.
"Ight here" she said. I looked inside it.
"You should have"
"50 thousand" I said. She looked shocked.
"Yeah she taught me good. Ill be back in the morning" i said and grabbed it. I went out to the car. I decided to smoke one just to relax me. I was nervous I dont these a million times but never by myself. I sighed. I got out and the rest of the night went by. I got home and got a call I knew it was my papi.
"I accept the charges" I said and it bing.
"Damn girl what u been doing?" She said. Her voice sent chills down my spine.
"I was doing work papi" I said.
"I know ma I'm playing aye so ima be in here till trial apparently" she said.
"Why?" I asked.
"Ya ex bitch filed charges against me and I was on probabtion. So they gonna hold me in here and try to stick extra shit on me" she said.
"Ima take care of it you'll be home soon." I said.
"Well shit ma straight ride or die" she said laughing
"You damn right ima get you out by this weekend. I love you" i said.
"I know mami, my time up ima call you tomorrow" she said. We got off the phone and I got up i know what im about to do. I needed to go to Xhar house though. I got back in the car and drive to her house. Her bitch yet again opened the door.
"Why you back?" She asked. She was tryna be seductive and made me wanna slap the shit out of her
"I need a few thing from my sister in law why?" I asked. She snorted.
"You really think that girl gonna marry you she love herself more than she love anything else" she said. I chuckled.
"Bitch get cut. You seriously aggy so worried about what the fuck im doing you dont see you losing the woman you suppose to love. Dont worry about what the fuck im doing ma. We good over here" i said snapping.
"She in jail now so what you gonna do wait for her that shits harder then you think i know how it is" she said. Now she tryna be sentimental.
"Nah cause im doing what you didnt do when they took her. I dont give a fuck if ya girl aint want you involved my girl managed to get YOUR wife out in a week and u let her sit up there for years. Heres the difference between me and you. You are a weak bitch who puts on a front and my shit run deep to the core." I spat.
"You dont know shit about my relationship" she snapped.
"I know enough to know u was not breaking   ya back to get the woman you so called loved out. Like I said you are a weak bitch" I said and went straight to Char office.
"Wassup?" She said.
"Can we talk for a minute. I need some info" I said
"What you need?" She asked.
"I need some information on Trina Thompson" I said.
"Bet why tho" she asked
"Because I need it u gonna get it or nah?" I asked. She rolled her eyes.
"You are definitely my sisters type of woman " she said. Is that suppose to be a insult?
"Whatever thank you" I said and walked out. I got her info and my phone went off. It was Vivian letting me know where to meet her at.

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