chapter 33

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I'm looking at the woman like I should slap the fuck outta you. I didn't say anything I just grabbed her arm and pulled her to the back.

"Lily ow" she said. I let go. I stared at her and noticed she was crying.

"Sooo we got a baby on the way" I finally said. She nodded and sniffled. I kind of just looked at her. Ima have a kid...shit.

"So what you wanna do?" she asked. I laughed.

"Bitch what you mean comere" I said and pulled her over in my arm she relaxed.

"We gonna love the fuck outta it and Ima pray its a boy with my attitude so we can drive you crazy" I said chuckling. She started laughing

"So you really not mad?" She asked. I gave her a twisted face.

"Yeah bitch I'm mad you didnt get pregnant earlier I switched your pill out months ago. I was starting to doubt my solider march" I said. So let me explain. I was with Viv and her kid and we ran into a friend of ours who had a lil boy who was a toddler and that shit made me smile to see. Plus since Viv had reconnected with her daughter when I see them playing or whatever I feeI little tugs are my heart. Zara is so good with Jannie and I kind of fucked with the kid. She chill as fuck. I then found myself watching old childhood cartoon with her that she likes. We even went shopping. I didnt tell Zara about it though not because I was ashamed but she emotional as hell. She knew I didnt mind Jannie she left us by ourselves few times. Ideally I didnt like the tea party shit but we got out doll and I mean mine was a bad bitch and the little one was creative in the story line. I rocked with it. Then I started wondering what me and Zara baby would look like. Zara did pills and a shot occasionally. She would forget about the shot all the time and when she did she was take the pills. Which she had been doing especially since we travel so much its really hard to meet her appointment regularly. So after a few months of going back and forth with it. I decided I wanted a baby and so I switched her pills out for pseudo pills. I didnt trap her she was gonna marry me anyway. She had been bringing up kids here and there anyway. So fuck it.

"Are you fucking serious" she said and punch me. I laughed.

"Nope I been trying to trap your ass for months but nooo your uterus wanted to be a asshole and wait until our wedding" I said. She laughed.

"You lucky I love you if I didnt I would kick your it was kind of sweet why didnt you tell me you wanted a kid?" she asked.

"Because if I did you would stress yourself out with monitoring ovulation and taking hormones because I know how you are it would of drawn out the process. It was easier ideally she would freak out but it's easier for her to freak out when it's already done then before. I mean she was my wife. I know I hate kids but I don't think ours would be that bad.
"Aww baby well you got your wish. I got a doctors appointment while we're here. I used your moms doctor since he travel. He bringing stuff to see how far along I am" she said. I smiled so hard my face almost hurt and I kissed her.

"When we telling your fam?" she asked.

"Shit we can tell them right now. But I want to wait to make sure we good I know how it is for you" I said. So lets backtrack a bit Zara has had a miscarriage before. We weren't ready by any means but it was recent about 6 months ago. That I think kind of caught me interest it was also why I didnt tell her I had switched her stuff out. She would worry and stress which are the worse things she can do. I held her and she teared up.

"We might have my rainbow baby" she said through tears. I kissed her forehead.

"We have our rainbow baby" I corrected her.

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