Chapter 20

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I'm nervous as shit. I was suppose to be meeting her family today. Shit what if they don't like me.
"Will you calm down" Joey said.
"But goddammit what if they don't like me?" I said.
"They will you got a girl who like you a lot and is alittle crazy." Pebbles added.
"Just relax and be yourself" Joey said. I sighed and got clothes on.  I had a simple yellow button, jeans, and my white Toms. I oddly like yellow. I let my hair down.
"You look good and enjoy yourself" she said. I heard a knock on the door. I knew it was Lily. I breathe out.
"Hey baby" she said and pulled me close to her. I got them lips. She was so fucking gawd. She was drenched in sexiness. She was in a dark Navy blue shirt, white pants with rips on the from and black vans. But she looked so fucking good. Her hair was still braided and her silver necklace.
"Papi I'm nervous" I said.
"Why it's just my parents and a family members" she said.
"But still like what if they don't like me and they cut me" I said.
"They not you alright baby I got you they ain't gonna lay a fucking hand on you. That's my word Mami" she said and kissed me again.
"Alright" I said and breathe out.
"Now chill nothing special just celebrating my Avo's birthday she 98 and can't hear well so just speak loud. My dad already like you my mom is just the one u gotta fight with."She said. Great I gotta gain the likeness of a queen pin. Just fucking wonderful. Shoot me.
"Ight Ight mami i got you here let smoke one  and relax then we can go I'll give you some head too to make it better" she said. I laughed.
"You spoil me" she said. We went to my room and sat down she pulled out a blunt.
"I promise I didn't lace this one" she said. I nodded. The amount I trusted her was crazy. But she said her word was her bond so I accepted that.  She climbed in top of me and laid her body down. She took the first hit and shot gunned me. I moaned I wanted her lips on me. She took her smoke and it cascaded on my skin. I fell limp to her touch. Her soft hands brushed up my body. She squeezed my breast.
"Mmm" I moaned.
"We got company mami" she whispered in my ear and sucked on my neck.
"What- Ahh" I moaned louder. She slipped my nipple in her mouth.
"Let em watch baby" she said and licked down my body. I need her to stop playing.
"Papi stop teasing" I pleaded. She chuckled. I needed her in me.
"Papi eat me please it's all yours- oh fuck" I said. She slipped inside me with her tongue and did her thing.
"Shit papi just like oh god" I was lost again. I grabbed her hair and pulled that shit.
"Papi just like ahh-" I closed my mouth and breathing heavy. I felt eyes staring at me this time but everytime I opened my eyes to look she licked a spot. I was close to cumming I heard small whimpers from the side of the room. Who ever was here papi was feeding off of it because every time she whimpered papi speed up. Her tongue slipped and I jumped.
"Papi fuck me please " I begged. I know this was suppose to be head but I wanted her inside me fuck the head. She didn't listen she just blatantly ignored my pleads and slipped her fingers inside me. I died my soul was in her mouth.
"Ah aha fucckkk" I started shaking and contracting. She hit a spot with her finger and I squirted. She lifted right before it hit her. She went up to kiss my lips letting me taste myself. I got her on her back and we fought but I lost and she picked me up and put me on her face. I saw who was in the room and stopped.
"Joey?" I said and got off her.
"I uhm uhm" she said her whole face went red. I peeped the expression. She got like....she likes this it's a kink.
"You like to watch?" I asked. She was tomato red. She nodded.
"But like it wasn't like  at first I just want to come in here and tell you I was leave but then I saw her kissing on you and shotgun you. I just kinda stayed and I know I wasn't suppose to but I'm I uhm sorry" she said.
"Wait comere" I saif. I have to admit I kinda liked having someone to watch it was kinda sexy. She had already ran out the room and house.
"Your friend is such a fucking masochist. That girl that came with her isn't her girlfriend is she? That's her master?" Lily asked.
"Yeah..what you know about that?" I said smirking.
"Shit ma I mean what you think I saw in you at first before we started talking you submissive as shit. You and Fatima won't gonna work because she wasn't even close to being a Dom she was too soft. You like being teased humiliated and disabled. I got all the clarification I needed at the hotel" she said. I smirked.
"Is it that noticable?" I asked.
"Not if you don't practice it. At first I just wanted to bitch you and use you as my toy every now and then but you caught my interest past thats. Ya friend gets off on watching alot." She said.
"I use to Dom her but then she met Deb and lost her fucking mind"
"Deb is everything Joey wanted in a master. It's like a fetish for her. I can tell."She said.
"Well do you fulfill my fetishes" I asked.
"I think you like being a cum dumpster. You got thing for my kids being on you. I also know anytime I have on any type of boots you you salivate at the mouth. You love being choked out after you reacted the way you did. I'm not a master or a Dom I just got the personality of one. I also know you love being on camera" she whispered the last part in my ear.
"I meannn maybe" I lied. I was shaking it excited me so much for some reason.
  I watch papi get dressed. She had to change clothes because I kinda messed them up. I got my cum all down that shirt. She had settled for crisp black tee, white jeans and black and white Adidas. She changed her gauges to white and her hair was still braided. She said it was no reason to get dressed cute she was seeing family and bad ass kids. I laughed. I was still fairly high. She had a high grade weed. I was feeling good and relaxed. We got in her other car which was a Range Rover. We got to the family event and I followed behind her still nervous as shit.
"By the waay...we gotta get on a plane" she said. We what?
"Huh?" I said.
"We going to my family home sooooo we flying to Portugal on they private jet. We gonna be down for about a week. I already set your time off at your job and you have clothes packed in the trunk. What I didn't pack you I'm buying you" she added.
"How the fuck you get me time off at my....did you hack into my job system" I asked. She smirked.
"Maybe don't worry the jet is nice and you won't even really notice you in the air" she said. How the fuck you just drop that on somebody
"What the fuck not only am I meet your family for the first time we flying all the way to another country. Baby I've never flown before" I said. She tryna give me a panic attack.
"We have a room on the jet baby we can go in there and you won't know you in the air I promise" she said. I sighed. She betta be right.
     We drove for about 5 hours before we got to the landing strip. There were 2 guys in uniform standing by the door. They moved over to let us in. We boarded the jet. It looked like a RV inside. It was pretty cream interior.
"Come on baby let go to the bedroom" she said. We go inside a pretty ass room with brown and black interior designs and sheets. I climbed on the oooh my god it's soft.
"Yeah it's all ghost bed and soft as shit feel like you laying on a cloud." She said. She stripped.
"We got about a 8 to 10 hour flight so get comfy" she said Oh god kill me now
"Alright this is your pilot speaking were preparing for lift off in approximately 20 minutes." The intercom sounded.
"Oh my good" I said breathing heavy. She pulled me on top of her.
"Hey comere I got you"she said and I got on her. She held me and kissed me. She looked at me and she already knew I needed my mind on something else so she made love to me till I managed to fall asleep.
   We had finally got off that damn death bird and she got in a car. The fucking sites here were fucking amazing. We drove for about 30 minutes and pulled up at this fucking huge damn near castle house and heard music and chatter. She got me out and she looked good. She was in a power grey short sleeve button down, white pants and her grey and white Jordans. Her curls were out and free. We had made a hotel stop. We got our own room and must I say it beautiful it's pent house man. I was alittle more loose. I had tank top on , shorts and my black Converses. My tank was the Galaxy tank top. I had my hair down and Papi flat ironed it for me. It was hot here though. We go inside the house and I heard
"COUSIN!!" A stud with thick black hair in pretty twist greeted Lily.
"Wassup Viv" she said and dapped her. I looked at her. She had the same jawline but her eyes were sparkling blue, pretty lips and a cut in her eyes brown. She was a little dark then Lily.
"Who might this be?" She said referring to me and licking her lips.
"This my girl, Zara, Zara this my cousin Vivian" Lily said. I still get giggly when she say girlfriend.
"Ayye welcome to the family mamicita" she said.
"Ill cut you" Lily said calmly.
"No disrespect cousin she just pretty as hell and damn she chocolate as fuck. Is it true the darker the berry the sweeter the juice" she said licking her lips at me.
"Haha. I will beat ya ass Viv" Lily said.
"I'm just saying and she got a fat ass you tryna share cousin" the girl said I could tell she was drunk. She looked around at my backside. I was hella uncomfortable. Lily laughed  and punch her in the gut. The girl popped up and hit her back.
"You bitch!" She said going off in another language and I just watched as they got into a full blown fist. I got pushed back shit. I'm not about to jump in and get my ass beat. Nope she asked for that shit.
"Aye!!!" A man with black hair and who looked alot like Lily came in and pulled Lily by her collar. He was at tall ass man at least fucking 6'3
"Dammit you two y'all can't be in the room for five minutes without fighting"  he scolded. Lily spit at the girl.
"Aw shit not again fuck y'all too old to be fighting all the damn time" the man who looked like Viv came in. Damn they fathers got some strong traits.
"Lemme go!"Viv growled. I watched her get out of her dad's grip and she charged for Lily who was turned around. I grabbed a beer bottle and hit her with it. It shatter. My heart was beating hard as shit.
"Ahh fucking bitxh" she said and tried to charge but she fell over.
"Shit I didn't mean to uhm shit" I stuttered great the first time meeting her family I end up possibly giving her cousin a concussion.
"Ricardo now control ya seed shit" Lily father said.
"What you want me to do Alvera they fight every family function for fucks sake. Get ya ass up and walk it off" he said to the drunken girl. So nobody watched this shit. Nobody intervened much. That's a shame. He had no sympathy for her.
"It's fine baby thank you" Lily said and kissed me cheek.
"I like her she has ya back that's a keeper. I'm Alvera by the way I'm her father" he said and held his hand up. This man made me feel like a damn midget. I shook his hand.
"Zara, I'm Lily's girlfriend" I said. Damn that feel nice to say.
"Welcome" he said. Viv groaned.
"Get ya drunk ass up I told you about drinking so much you fucking alcoholic" he father scolded sipping his beer.
"Is she gonna be alright" I asked.
"Eh she'll be alright when she sobers up some" he said. He hugged me and kissed my cheek.
"Welcome to the family" he said. I wasn't sure how to feel about this.   His hug consisted of him picking me up like a bitch. I felt some type of way but I took it.
"Come on baby let's meet the rest of them" Lily said.
"Bet" I said and followed her over.
"Mamai!"she called
"Sania baby! Hi!!" She said. Who the fuck is Sania.
"That's my first name" she said. I was confused.
"So what is Lily your middle name" I asked.
"Yeah I got two middle names and Sania is my first name. But I felt bitch made anytime they used it. If you use it we will fight no game mami" she said.
"Who is this?" Her mom asked. Her mom was gorgeous. She had the same skin tone as Lily, thick black hair all the way to her ass. A model face and a bad ass body. Her mom looks nothing like 63. The only way you could tell by the grey streaks in her hair and the slight bags under her eyes. They were barely noticable.
"Mamai this is my girlfriend,Zara, Zara this is my momma" I said.
"Ohh she's so pretty Sania. I was so scared you would bring home a trashy bitch she had pretty hair and gorgeous eyes. Oh are you mixed?" She asked
"No full black" I said and chuckled nervously.
"Iy I'm so proud bebe" she said.
"Welcome to the family sweethearts hurt my baby and I will send your head to your mother " she said winking and gave me a drink.
"You a wine girl, champagne or beer like this slob I married" she said just Lily's father came around. He chuckled and kissed her.
"You so mean to me." he said. Her mother stuck her tongue out at him.
"Nice to meet you Mr. And Mrs. Romez" I said.
"Ew Mrs. Romez is my mother. You can call me Camilla and that old man is Alvera. Al for short" she said.
"Yeah we met already had to break up the little scuffle with Sania and Vivian" he said. Her mother said something in Portuguese then thumped Lily I laughed.
"She got a fighter. Viv was tryna start up again and her woman hit her with a bottle" he said. I got scared. Why he gotta have a big mouth.
"Good that bitch need to be tamed i dont know what is wrong with my brother and why he let her drink anything" she said and snorted.
"I like wine to be honest" I said. She passed me red wine in  glass.
"Ahh and classy. I'm so proud of you bebe" she said and pinched lily cheeks.
"Mamai stopp" she whined.
"Iya your sister brought the islands slut over here" her mom said and twisted her nose. She sighed and walked off to say hey to Char.
"She really doesn't like her" I said chuckling.
"My momma got beef with anything that ain't black or Portuguese" she said shaking her head.
"Forreal alittle while ago she ain't like black people until she met this one black lady that helped save her life" Lily added. Thankfully because that would of awkward.
"Ah well im thankful for that woman" I said chuckling.
"Come on you gotta meet the reason why we here" she said. We walked over to a woman whose silver hair was neatly pinned back. She had signs of ages but barely any wrinkles and she was in damn good shape for a woman whose suppose to be 80 years old. She was beautiful.
"Avo" she said. She then said something in Portuguese that I didn't understand.
"Zara" I heard. Oh she was introducing me. The woman looked shocked then smiled happily.
"Welcome" she said and shook my hand.
"Bebe" she started then said some other stuff clapping her hands.
"Oh god avo not yet" she said Oh gosh. I blushed.
"Beautiful" I heard. I could translate that. This lady was too excited.she got up and hugged me. Her family is huggy as shit.
"No" Lily finally said and hugged the lady.
"What did she say?" I asked.
"She was happy I finally settled down, said you were so beautiful and pretty dark skin. She asked if you hair was weave then asked when we were gonna get married and have kids. She said she want great grandkids with the family Gene's" she said I doubt Char was carrying a child so i understood why they asked.
"Uuhhh I don't really want kids...or like em for that matter" I said.
"I don't either they got my brothers kids they better be happy with that" she said. I chuckled. Her older brother had died in a drive by shooting but has managed to have 4 kids. She said she was young when he died and doesn't remember him much but Char was messed up when he did.  We went to her child room. The wall were painted a pale purple. The pain you would of thought it was a female room but when you looked around it you would of thought it was a boys room. She had sports posters up, a desk with a computer and alot book, model airplanes that she built and hung up around the room. More books,  a twin sized bed with blue and grey sheets.  She sat down on it.
"Believe it or not I was never that popular as kid, being really emotionless, computer geek and being born with boy parts can put someone on the low ranks in school. I was fairly a decent teenager. I just kinda stayed to myself then I turned 13 and I think my balls dropped or something because I started fighting bitches left and right. I was very much the trouble maker teen. My sister was too which sucked for our parents. We were the Romez sister and I continued my sister's legacy when I got to high school but I was worse cause I would do shit just for the hell of it. I guess I was bullied so much younger I snapped my shit. I sent two teacher to the hospital. Shot a security guard with his own taser then tased other people just cause I could." She said chuckling
"Lord you must of been a pain in the ass" I said and sat on her bed.
"Pretty much. I had literally no friends besides Fatima and even she wasn't wanted she just maunvered her ass over in my life because my sister was fucking her. I then met Diamond in I think 11 grade and she was my ride or die. We caused so much hell in that school they begged is to leave early" she said.
"That's fucking sad babe." I said chuckling. I laid on her bed.
"Then I got arrested and expelled" she said.
"The fuck why and how many time have you been arrested?" I asked.
"Umm assault when I fought a male teacher cause I wanted his car and he wouldn't give me the keys. I broke his nose, jaw and dislocated his arm. He pressed charges. I think on my life time I have been arrested like 9 time maybe 12 somewhere in there. I never spent more then a night. That's a lie I did 3 years in jail when I was 19. But that was because my parents were tired of covering my shit." She said. I pointed to the poster of Lil Kim.
"You wanna explain?" I asked.
"Man that was my baby when I was younger can't tell you how many night I jacked off to that picture" she said. Lil Kim pretty much naked.
"Ewww baby" I said.
"Fuck ever her and Mariah Carey can get it" she said and climbed on top of me.
"Beyonce is bae" I said. She scrunched up her nose.
"Nah she too overrated for me. I like my women dirty and feisty with a lil thug" she said.
"Well damn I'm off that spectrum" I said.
"Nah you got it in you I just gotta bring it out I need a woman I know gone body a bitch if I need her too" she said and kissed my neck.
"I ain't never killed any one before" I said.
"Eh you gonna have too at some point I'm just letting you know in my buiness bitches reckless. I need you yo be ready when I need you to go to war with me. I'ma help you get there gimme 7 months in 7 months if you don't bang a bitch I'ma buy you a all paid expense trip with you and ya friends to wherever you wanna go" she said.
"You lying" I said smirking. I don't think I had it in me like she said.
"Nah if you do though you gotta marry me in 5 years" she said I smirked. I kinda like that. It was nice that she felt like we had the potential to last that long.
"Ight bet" I said.  I kissed her lips and it erupted in a heated make out session.
"I've never had sex in my childhood bed before" she said smirking. She kissed me.
"What you tryna say?" I teased.
"saniiiaaa!!!" I heard her mother. I sighed.
"Goddamit" she said.
"Oh there you are were bring out Avo's cake come sing with us " she said. We both got up and followed.
      The night went by smooth. Her mother had me on my 4th glass of wine and we were looking at Lily and chars baby pictures. Fatima ain't said shit to me and I acted like she wasn't there. We were sitting around when Char cleared her throat.
"So I have alittle something I been meaning to do for a while now. I figured I'm getting old might as well settle down officially so-"she said and got on one knee in front of Fatima.
"I know I haven't been the best I could be. You were there for me when everyone else disappeared and welcomed me with open arms. You have and are the most beautiful,loving women I know and I want my life to end with you.
"Will you do me the honor of being my wife?" Char ended her speech. It was cute and beautiful I teared up a bit.
"Oh...Oh god yes" she finally answered. The family clapped and awwwed. The grandmother was in pure tears of joy.
"My mother loves weddings more than her hatred for islands girls" Lily said. I chuckled. Her mother was clapping and bouncing. I laid on Lily and inhaled her scent. She smell so fucking good. I let my hand slip under her shirt and felt her soft skin. He chest jumped. She laughed at something. I wasn't paying attention to anybody but her. I leaned up and kissed her neck.
"Let eat Mami" she said. I got up and followed her to food. It was set up on this long ass table. I waited for them to say grace and i bit into the food and moaned. Goddammit this food is good as shit.
"You like I see"Lily said chuckling.
"Avo has a announcement" her mother said and stepped aside she spoke in Portuguese I don't think she know English.
"I wanna thank my family for coming out to celebrate the extra year God has gave me" Lily translated.
"It's so amazing to see my grandchildren, my children that I started the great legacy of. I'm excited that I will me marrying off my second oldest grandchild and my young baby has been blessed with such a beautiful woman spirit and physical" she said. I smiled and my face went hot.
"I have ran this family for years and this year has been the best money wise and I expect you all to comtinue to excel in our family buiness and remember I'm a old woman now so I'ma need alittle more help. But I love you all and I'm happy to see you" she said and sat down.
"There was other stuff too but it was buiness related and not important" Lily said. I nodded. I slipped my fork on her plate tho.
"I will fight you"she said and moved my fork. I pouted.
"Man here you big ass baby" she said and fed me.
"Haaa but you with me tho soooo" I said. She rolled her eyes.
"Yeah I am and Im happy too." She said and kissed me. If she knew how much she made me melt.  Her eyes were so fucking pretty right now. I saw them good a liquid color. I am falling in love with a gangster.

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