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Hurt by the bully known as life,

never can peace last, only strife,

cut and stabbed with our knife,

and crying blood become children of pain and sadness our wife,

as we struggle to comprehend this bully, life.

And yet in the darkness a light shines through,

as we overcome we find what is true,

along with what is false too,

clay must find the potter new,

and mysterious and rough but when you're blue,

remember these problems bring out the best of you.

Our strength is abundant in our fists,

our mind constantly filled with the day's to-do-list,

our pride and selfishness tries to fester like a cyst,

our eyes must be aflame of ambition to see through the mist,

our hearts must swell as like when being kissed,

for the first time, and the opportunities that await shouldn't be missed,

in the end everything will be better than we could've wished,

so I let go and flow away with the stream because I am a pacifist.

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