Chapter 5- Girl Talk

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"Hey, how's the tour going?"

"Hey M'n'm, the tour's been amazing. How's my little bub going?"

"She's been as happy as larry. Wait, give me a second." I take the phone from my ear and turn on the camera. "Hey you there?"

"Yeah, I'm here," her face coming into view.

"Look Rose, there's Mummy," I say pointing to the screen.

"Hellooo Rose," seeing and hearing Bella caused Rose to instantly light up, reaching for Bella while gurgling happily. "What have you been up to?"

"Weell," I say, "we've had a lot of parties with her friends," I say tickling Rose's stomach.

"Makailah, you are so good with Rose, you're going to be a good mum on day,"

"So are you, you're a great mum," I pause slightly, putting Rose back in her crib as Ethan walks in from down the hall, "Speaking of being a mum..."

"You're pregnant?!" Bella jumps in shouting, I see the excitement on her face.

"Not exactly," I say heading to the bedroom.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I might, I haven't taken a test yet," I then proceed to tell Bella the details.

"Take the test," Bella replies instantly.

"I will."

"Do it now."


"Yeah, I don't care, I've been through this before. Besides as your best friend it's kinda cool to be with you when you find out, well sorta."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah go for it."

"Alright I'll just go grab the test," hopping off the bed I head to the kitchen. 

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