Chapter 24- Who Knows Mummy?

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"Alright guys," Eden had taken on the role of the host as the Bella and I were both the guests of honour, "Take one yellow and one blue card if you know both of the girls," Eden hands out a set of blue cards on one side and yellow on another. "If you only know one, take blue for Bella and yellow for Makailah. Makailah and Bella can you take your colour so we can use yours as the answers. And you can do each other if you want but you'll probably get them all right anyway," Bella and I nod amongst all our friends and family here. In total I would say there was 30 people. Bella's card comes first followed quickly by my yellow one. Both cards were titled Who knows Mummy? I decide to just do mine and give someone else a chance at Bella's. Alright first question, I hold the pen in the air, What's Mummy's full name (first, middle and last). Wow I never realised it before, all my names now started with m. Alright, not many people know that but at least the girls here from my side should. What's Mummy's due date? 28th November, I write in clear letters, next. What's Mummy's favourite dessert? Ooh tough one, hmmm, I think for a moment and settle on anything with strawberries and cream. How many siblings does Mummy have? Easy. 3, next. I go through all the questions and finish them while the rest were still working on theirs. I look around and see Bella's mum attempting my yellow sheet. As well, Koda and Kira were trying both sheets. I decide just for fun; I'll do Bella's to pass the time.

Soon everyone finishes and Bella and I get up to go through our answers. "You go first, just because," I say with a smile.

"Alright, thanks," Bella say returning my smile. I give her a nod and sit down, knowing the few minutes will help me in the long run. Bella goes through her answers:

Full name: Isabella Sophia Hemmings

Due date: 8th November

Dessert: Marble Baked Cheesecake

Siblings: None

Tv Show: Revenge

Natural Hair Colour: Dark Brown Hair

State and city of birth: Brisbane, QLD

Time of day: Afternoon for sure

Childhood toy: Not a toy but I have a favourite sheet I've had since I was little (I called and still call it sheetie)

First Celebrity crush: My dear husband Luke Hemmings

Best feature: Confidence and Kindness

Having/Want: Wanted another girl but having a boy

Bella finishes her off and we find out, surprise surprise, her mum had all the right answers. I don't think anyone doubted her mum, they were after all best friends. Bella's hug with her mum signalled that it was my turn. I start and go through all my answers to my sheet:

Full Name: Makailah Margaret May Martin

Due Date: 28 November

Favourite Dessert: Anything with strawberries and cream.

Laughs erupted as I said that. I'm guessing no one thought otherwise.

Siblings: 3 brothers

Favourite TV Show: Full House, don't really watch a lot of tv shows

Natural Hair colour: Auburn Red hair

State and city of birth: Again Brisbane, QLD

Time of Day: Definitely a morning person despite marrying a afternoon person.

Childhood toy: A baby born doll called May

First Celebrity Crush: Nobody shun me but I've never really a celebrity crush

Traits for Baby: Hair colour and love for music

Having/Want: Would be happy with either

There was a bit of dispute with the last question but through it all Mum and Emma got all of them right.

"I was going to put girl down but you were very insistent on both so I knew that's what you would write down," Mum says to me afterwards. I just respond to her with a laugh.

I turn to Emma, "Wow, well done, for someone who I only see for about an hour every weekday for the past two years, you did pretty well Emma."

"Thanks, I always remember the things you tell me, you're a great person. I'm just disappointed that we didn't meet earlier, like in high school."

"That would have been the best if we had," I say giving Emma a hug, "You would have loved the high school me, so much drama and some stereotypical teen stuff here and there," I say with slight sarcasm.

"Oh well but I got to become friends with the drama therapist you and I think that's the best you I know," Emma says smiling with a twinkle in her eye.

"Aww, thank you," I say pulling her into a hug again, my eyes tearing up and this time it wasn't the hormones.

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