Chapter 30- Happy Birthday

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We break apart and hug as Ethan places me back on the ground. "Look, just like the movies," Ethan and I turn around to see Melody pointing at us with Charlie beside her.

"What's just like the movies?" Ethan asks them.

"You and Mummy," Melody answers.

"When hero kisses girl at the end of the movie," Charlie explains.

Ethan and I share a look, "Well Daddy really is a hero, my hero, isn't he?" The twins nod there heads. "Now who's ready to turn to turn 3?" I say bending down. The shouts of the twins fill the room. "Well come on, go grab your things for Jade's ok?" They were off zooming past us to their room.

"How long do you think it will take them to realise they're already 3?" Ethan asks.

I think for a moment, "Probably a few more years. Now," I say turning to May Isabella, "Let's just have your nana's since someone decided to play with your milk." Ethan shakes his head as he leaves to check on the twins. Knowing them you couldn't leave the pair alone for more than a few minutes. May Isabella happily eats her mashed banana and after a quick parents change, we head to Jade's.

"Happy Birthday!" Everyone screams as we open the door. All the kids and some of the parents were dressed up as superheroes. The twins faces show pure glee as they run off their friends. Aurora, Rose, Mathew, Ariel, Hudson, Caiden, Emerson, Kane, Max and Jade's twins Flynn and Elsa. Who knew all along that Jade and I were twin buddies? Even if we didn't know until after Charlie and Melody were born. Nonetheless, it was still pretty awesome to think about, it was something that had brought the two of us even closer over the years. All the toddlers jumped in glee together while Gabriella and Ash played with themselves away from the energetic bunch.

"Let's play superheroes guys!" Melody shouts to the whole group.


"Ah, ah guys, outside if you want to play that," Jade says while they agree and all zoom past the adults to the back door. "Come, come sit down," Jade shows us to a seat. "So how have you been?"

"Well, since yesterday, it's been pretty good," I say with a laugh.

"And how are you, May Isabella?" Jade coos to the infant in my arms.

"Here want to play with Jade for a bit?" I say handing her over to Jade, who greatly accepts.

"It's been awhile since I got to hold a baby in my arms," she says.

"We could always have another," Michael says.

"As much as I love this, I know what comes after. Toddlers, so I'm right thank you. I think fours great."

"So what about you Makailah? Are you going to have any after number 4?"

"I don't know really but I think with the twins right now I wouldn't want anymore too soon, if we were to have more," I say as I wrap my arms around Ethan next to me.

"That's reasonable," Jade nods.

"So what do you do with work and the kids?" Michael comes into the conversation. "Knowing that you both work full time."

"Well ever since we had Charlie and Melody, Ethan's started working at home when he can, but when he has to go in, the kids go to the grandparents, depending on the day," I explain.

"Oh and they sure take the energy out of us," my mum says.

"Same here," Ethan's mum laughs, "But we still love them to bits," and all four grandparents nod.

"I've always wondered," Bella starts, "why Ethan doesn't have an accent while his mother's is very thick."

"I moved to Australia when I was about 20, while Ethan was actually born in Australia," Ethan mother answers and Bella nods her head. There was silence for a moment.

"I just want to say thank you to you eight for dressing up, you really didn't have to, we only expected the kids would."

"Oh, please we all know all us adults still can act like children from time to time," Anne chuckles, "Especially this one," she says pointing to Calum.

"So what's with the matching outfits?" Ethan asks.

"Matching costumes for each couple team," Honey says.

"So do you think the kids are ready for cake?" Ashton asks.

"Uh, correction, do you think the parents are ready for a sugar rush?" Ethan counters and everyone laughs.

"Alright, send them in," I give a sigh.

Calum walks over to the back door and shouts, "Cake!" while Jade and I get the cake from the fridge. We decided on a half supergirl, half superman symbol. Essentially on half of the S pink and the other red and blue.

"Cake?" Melody shouts, "Ok, pause," and all the kids race for the door. The kids all sit around the table while the adults stand around. We place the cake in front of wide-eyed Charlie and Melody as everyone starts to sing Happy Birthday to them.

Motherhood was a big step for me, especially with twins but I looked forward to every moment. There was still more to go in our story as it continues to be written, parenthood and beyond but I would enjoy it all with Ethan beside me, the one who's heart is knitted to mine, my one true love, my hero. Always.

A/N:So this book is finished and pretty much this is the end of this series, sort of. Well for Makailah anyway. What did you think? I hope you guys enjoyed reading this trilogy as much as I enjoyed writing them.

So next up is Ethan's POV and the series will answer a lot of questions that weren't necessarily answered or explain fully. Hope you like them too, I'll have the first chapter up in a bit. Also want to give a quick thanks to Princessrulez for helping me with the cover for HOFMG and subsequently the next book.

So yeah, stay tuned for Holding out for my girl.

Oh yeah, think you have the twin dynamics figured out between Charlie and Melody, well you're gonna be surprised... but that's later down the road :) I said nothing,😝byeeee!

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