Chapter 14- The Rebels

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"M'n'm meet Jade, Anne and Honey," Bella point to the women on her couch, "Girls meet Makailah."

"Oh my gosh, we've heard so much about you!" Anne talks excitedly. "You're so pretty!"

"Oh, thank you," I say scratching the back of my neck. "I'm so glad I could meet you, though I didn't think it would be so quickly." It had been less than a month since I had told Bella.

"So what are the odds that all of us are pregnant?" Jade jumps in. "I also have some new to make too," she pauses, "I'm having twins!" There was a round of congratulations from around the room.

"Do you know if they will be fraternal or identical?" I ask.

"Doctor said there is only one placenta but it doesn't necessarily mean identical."

"What genders are you hoping for?"

"I definitely want a boy this time but one of each might be nice," Jade shrugs.

"Have you thought of names yet?" Bella asks.

"Ah, the famous question," Honey says as we all laugh.

"Well I was thinking," Jade pushes a strand of her bright purple hair back, "of Flynn and Ariel or maybe Elsa."

"Nice, when I was little I wanted to have a daughter named Ariel because she was my favourite Disney character and she had red hair like me," I say with a laugh.

"Cool, so not anymore?" Honey asks.

"Yeah but not like at the top of names that I want anymore."

"So I hear that you're the one that got Bella and Luke together," Anne states.

"Not necessarily," I laugh shyly. "I just introduced them after he walked into the wedding reception at Bella's cafe." I pause for a bit, "Well, I actually met Luke before that," All eyes widen on me, "Well, 'met' is overstating it," I say explaining, "I just bumped into him at Sydney the day before my wedding and we talked a bit, nothing major," I assured them.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Bella asked, "Where was I?"

"Well I wasn't exactly sure it was him, like I said it wasn't like we exchanged names and numbers and I didn't want to get your hopes up and it turned out it wasn't him. Besides, you ended up with him in the end without me needing bumping into Luke."

"Yeah, I guess you're right, I still don't understand where I was when this happened," Bella replies moving Rose around on her lap.

"Maybe you were in the toilet," Honey suggests.

"So Makailah," Anne shifts the topic, "Where did you hear of 5SOS?"

"Well mainly from this obsessed girl," I say pointing to Bella beside me, "but also from these other three girls. I had a few classes with them in high school. They were actually pretty similar to you. Their names were Tegan, Priya and Fatuma. Tegan was a Michael girl, Priya was into Calum and Fatuma, Ashton."

"What about you?" Jade asks.

"What about me?" I ask.

"Who did you like? From 5SOS," Honey explains.

"Oh me? I was never into them as much as the girls. Don't get me wrong I liked their songs but I just wasn't a fan. I was more into Taylor Swift. Though if I had to be honest, when I first looked at their songs, I kinda liked Calum and Ashton but as I found out more I kinda liked Luke more." I then quickly add, "But that's all in the past, don't worry."

"You're funny," Jade giggles, "I like you."

A/N: Hope you liked it Princessrulez!

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