Chapter 9- More Tests and Talks

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"Makailah?" I wake up to Ethan nudging me in the doctor's waiting room.

"Hmm?" I say sleepily.

"The doctor's ready to see us," Ethan says softly.

"Ok, let's go then," I say getting up and following the doctor to the room.

"So what are we here for today?" The doctor says turning in her seat from the computer.

"Well," I start, "I took a pregnancy test a few days ago and it came positive."

"Alright, if you could just come with me for one second," she says grabs a urine sample container and escorts me out to another room. So I'm doing this again, this is so exhausting, let's hope they get it right the first time so I won't have to do this again.

"Now, can you go and fill this and put it in this bag when you are done," she says handing me the container and a brown paper bag. I take them from her and head into the toilet. Once I am finished I take the bag to her and we head back to Ethan and Rose.

"So this is your second child?" The doctor questions.

"No, this will be my first."

The doctor looks confused then it fades, "So the child is from a previous relationship of your husband? Would you liked to be tested for STI's to make sure your child is safe?"

"No, the baby is my friends. She's on tour with her husband and their daughter was too young to travel at the time so Ethan and I are taking care of her for a few more weeks," I explain.

"Oh, I see. I'm sorry for assuming."

"That's alright. You wouldn't know that without asking."

We enter the room again and the doctor works at her computer for a few moments. "So we should get your results in around 24 hours. So we will call you then."

I look at Ethan, "Alright."

"Alright, until then," the doctor stands and escorts us out.

On the car ride home Ethan I talk about a few things about the baby. "Do you think it will be a boy or a girl?" I ask Ethan as he turns off the main road.

"I really don't mind. I just want a baby that's happy and awesome. And of course they have to be a little crazy because we both are." A grin comes to Ethan's face as he turns into the court, driving the small silver jeep up the driveway and parking next to my blue fiesta. After getting married Ethan and decided it would be easier to keep both cars especially for work.

"What were you thinking?" Ethan says unbuckling his seatbelt.

"Pretty much the same as you. Have a baby in itself is a blessing, whether it's a girl or boy."

"Agreed," Ethan says leaning into the middle of the car.

"So leave it as a surprise?" I say leaning in also.

"Yep," Ethan pops the p slightly. We kiss while Rose gurgles happily from behind, causing us both to smile in the kiss.  

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