Chapter 13- Names

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"So Makailah told you?" Luke says will taking a sip of water leaning on the counter next to Ethan.

"Yeah, how'd you know?" Bella answers sitting on the couch with Rose on her lap.

"Baby girl I think the whole street knows with how loud you were."

"I wasn't that loud," Ethan almost chokes on his mouthful of water, wiping his mouth, trying to hide his smile, "Makailah?" Bella turns to me for support, to which I give a shrug to. I feel a shiver go down my spine, I cross my arms, bringing by shoulders forward. I walk over to Ethan and cuddle into him, "It's so cold, how can you be drinking water with ice?"

"Trust me, after being in America for a few months this is such a dramatic change. Besides it's like 22 degrees, so not that bad," Luke says swirling his ice.

"So are you staying for dinner or do you have other plans for tonight?" Ethan says.

"Yeah, we're going to see Bella's mum and a few extended family for dinner,"

"When do you need to get there?"

Luke looks at his phone for the time, "Well should be able to stay for an hour and then we'll have to head off."

"So have you guys thought of names yet guys?" Bella say with dreamy smile, playing with Rose as Luke comes to join them. Ethan and I look at each other, "No not really, we're still in the stage of processing this," I say.

"Well, I guess, you guy did sorta lose two months for that part," Bella responds.

"Why, when are we supposed to start picking names?" I say blinking a few times.

"With Bella, it's almost straight away, like as soon as she gets the positive on the stick she's off," Luke says putting his arm behind Bella while she continues to play with Rose.

"So what do you have for names so far, since it sounds like you're already thinking about names," I say smiling at the family.

"Well for a girl I like Gabriella," Bella starts.

"And I like Lily," Luke adds.

"And for a boy I told you Leo, right?" I nod remembering names we would come up with when we were teenagers and the meanings behind them.

"And I like Mathew," Luke comes in again. "What about you guys? Off the top of your heads what do you like?"

"Well Makailah and I like Melody for a girl," Ethan starts.

"Nice," Luke says while Bella nods

"And for a boy," Ethan starts again, "I like Charlie, I'm not sure what Makailah wants."

"Daniel," I say without thinking. I realise my mistake when I see two sets of eyes staring intently at me.

"Why are they looking at you like that?" Luke say looking back and forth from Bella and Ethan.

"Um, stuff from high school," not sure how much to tell Luke.

"Why?" Bella finally says.

"I've always liked the name, even before I met DisasterDaniel. Besides my dad's middle name is Daniel. The reason I like it was when this guy named Daniel at a youth service was talking, I was about 13 or 14, he talked about his name for a bit. I don't know, just from them on I've always liked it," I explain.

"Oh I see, that's nice," Bella and Ethan both calm down.

"Say daddy, can you say daddy? Da-ddy," Luke says to Rose.

With a grin on her face she responds, "Mummy."

A/N: Princessrulez 1 more to go! Next one is for you!

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