Chapter 2- José Rodriguez

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So I walk into my new school. Knowing my plan of my future.

The bell rang, and I didn't even know my first class! Freshman year already at its worst. I run to the office not knowing anybody, waiting for this lady at the front desk to give me my schedule.

While I'm waiting I see this tall, dark black haired, chocolate brown eyes, just staring at me. I feel my face turn red, oh my gosh, I look so terrible, but he's just smiling at me. His smile can just melt your heart, and it melted mine. What am I thinking? It's barely the first day of school and I'm already into someone? As I turn around the front desk lady has a paper in her hand that is facing my way. I grave it and run out the office. I see my first class, Algebra-2 Ms.Ellis Room 209.

As I make myself to her classroom door, I can already feel the embarrassment. Going in, I find a seat in the middle of the class, and I notice that boy from the office. He's staring right at me, I can feel it. As Ms.Ellis explains her class rules, all I here is
"Hey I'm José, I saw you at the office today."

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