Chapter 16

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Two weeks later

"Are you sure it's positive?" Jacky asks me through the phone.
"Yes, it's positive, I tried 3 already, and they all say the same thing." I tell her. "I have to go, I'll see you at school." I hang up and hide the tests in my room before my mom sees me.
I just found out I'm pregnant, and it's obvious who the father is, because he's the only person I've done it with what am I going to do? How am I going to tell my mom? Or Jo? I have to tell him first, no my mom, ugh I don't know. Whoever I see first.

"Mom, I have something to tell you." I can feel my stomach turn.
"What is it honey?" She says so innocently, what have I done? I have to tell her, do it!
"I'm pregnant, with Jo's baby." I tell her, the words taste bitter in my mouth, and I can tell they sting my mom's ears.
"It's ok honey, we'll get through this, I'm not happy about this, but there's nothing we can do now. Just know I'll be here with you every step of the way." And I feel relieved, most of the girls I talk to who already have had babies told me their mothers reactions, and they're really bad. One of the girls mom's kicked her out, another slapped her, and another was told to get an abortion which she didn't she just ran away. And I'm glad my mom didn't do either of those, but that she's going to help me. Next is Jo, how do I tell him?
"Have you told Jo already?" She asks me.
"No, all of this is just starting to sink in, I barely found out like 2 minutes ago, it was hard enough to tell you, and imagine the father of my baby." I tell my mom, as I feel tears coming down my face, ugh I feel so guilty, I did the one thing that my family didn't want to happen, the very thing I didn't want to happen. I'm so stupid! I have to tell him.
"So when are you going to tell him mijita?" She asks.
"Today, I promise Mama." I tell her, feeling scared, not just for me, but for his reaction. My whole plan is ruined, how am I going to finish school, ugh how could I do this! It was our choice, so we have to deal with the consequences. I just hope he's not like the other dad's that just leave their kids, like how ours did that to us. I hope he breaks that cycle, because I don't want our child to grow up without a father in their life.
Me-"Meet me at the football field, it's really important."
Babe-"Ok Hermosa, I'll be there.

"You're the 2 person I've told." I tell her.
"How are you going to tell him? And when? The sooner the better." She's right. I'll tell him today, when I get to school.
Me-"Meet me by the football field. It's important. "

I'm waiting for Jo. Man I'm so nervous. I feel sick. Thanks a lot baby. I see him walk towards me, with a smile that makes me less nervous than I was.
"What's so important?"
"Babe, I'm pregnant."
"Wait, but we used protection."
"I know we did, but it's obvious it broke, or else I wouldn't be carrying this thing inside me."
"Ok, ok.."
"Ok what, talk Jo."
"It's mine, well obviously it is."
"Of course it's yours. And I get if you don't want to be together anymore. We'll do fine without you. You already have enough on your plate."
"Why are you thinking like that. Of course I still want to be with you. Just because your having my baby, doesn't mean I don't want it, or you."
His answer makes me happy. I feel relieved, like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders.
"I guess I jinxed it didn't I?"
"You think?!" I say laughing.
My fantasy, has just became reality.

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