Chapter 3

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"Hey I'm José, I saw you at the office today."
"Um hi, I'm Mariah, I saw you too."
"Are you new here?"
"Yeah I'm a freshman, how about you?"
"Sophomore, you don't look like a freshman."
"I get that a lot, well I have to get back into school mode so..."
"Oh yeah, totally forgot."
That's how it started. I felt like I was blushing, I felt my face really hot and red, how is it that, he wants to talk to me, me, a freshman who doesn't even know a single soul at this school.

Class ended and I started walking to my next class, when out of nowhere I here "Mariah!" As I turn around it's José, I try to walk as quickly as I can, but he catches up saying, "You couldn't wait like 5 seconds for me?" And I told him no, that my next class was about to start. So he tells me to meet him during 3 period, during passing period. During English, my 2 period, all I think about is how he wants me to meet him during passing period, which is in less than 10 minutes.

As the bell rang, I didn't know where to meet him. So I just went to my locker, which I couldn't find.

Then, I saw his smiling face coming towards me. "So were you just going to leave me?", he said. "No I was trying to find my locker." He grabs my paper and he leads me to my locker, which was farther than what I thought, as we approach it he says, "Sit with me at lunch", I'm shocked, what do I say, "Ok", I don't know what I just did, but I can tell I just started something I can't get out of.

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