Chapter 14

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I get a text from Jo at 2 am.
"We gotta talk it's important" 2:01am
"Meet me tomorrow morning near the football field." 2:03am
"Ok go to sleep Hermosa." 2:04am
Which is the last thing I read before falling asleep.

The next morning
"What is it that is so important?" I ask him, waiting for an answer.
"I don't know how to say it, or put it into different words." He says, running his hand through his thick hair.
"Just tell me Jo, you know you can trust me, we were friend before we dated." Hoping that calms him down.
"Ok, si there's no way way to put this, but, I sell drugs." I felt like someone just kicked me in my stomach. Did he just say he sells drugs? How come he didn't tell me? Did he think I was going to tell someone? I have so many questions running in my mind.
"How long have you been selling?" I ask.
"Ever since the 8th grade." His face tells me he didn't have a choice, which I bet he didn't.
"How come you didn't tell me sooner, you know when we were friends?"
"Because I didn't want you to worry, and I didn't want you in danger." He tells me.
"Well I'm glad you told me, but know I'm still going to worry about you, because I care for you, alright?" I tell him. And he gives me his you-know-you-love-me-smile.
"And I have something else to tell you." He says, I'm too afraid of what he's going to say.
"I have to do this drop, and it's a big deal, it's in June."
I feel my stomach turning, and my head starts to hurt. What if something goes bad?
"Promise me you'll be safe." I tell him, hoping he can keep his promise.
"I'll do what I can to keep that promise, ok?" He says.
I just hope he comes back to me.

2 months later
"Happy 8 months babe! I love you so much! Many more to come!" 3:45am
The text I wake up to on our 8 month anniversary. I can't believe it, 8 months, many people didn't think we'd make it this far. I text him back....
"Happy 8 months, I love you too, I'll see you at school." I got him a sweater with our date on it. 09/25/15. And I got myself one too. As I start to get ready, my mom comes in with my niece, who's sick, my sister couldn't take off work to take care of her so my mom is.
"Your breakfast is ready." She tells me. So I start to hurry.
"Ok ma'!" I yell.
I run to the table and chow down the food, because I know Jacky is gonna be here any minute to pick me up. I hear a honk, she's here, I give my mom and niece a kiss, then leave. As I get into the car, I notice Isaac in the back seat. "Um, why?" I ask.
"He needed a ride so I picked him up." She says.
"Dude he's sleeping." I say as I turn and point at him.
"I know he got home late last night, he worked the night shift again." She says frustrated.
As we pull up to the parking lot, I notice Jo. He has flowers and I gift for me. Aww, he's so cute. I get out the car, and I see him smile. Gosh I love that smile. I give him kiss and a hug, and his present. "Aw thanks babe, I love it." He says while he puts it on. Then I open my gift, and oh-my-gosh. It's a promise ring! It's so beautiful! "Jo you didn't have to." I tell him. "Yes I did." He says. I give him a long hug and kiss. Man do I love him. So after all this, we start to head inside. He drops me off to my first class, and he gives me a good-bye kiss. And I don't see him until lunch.

"Hey babe, hey Jacky." I say as I sit down at the lunch table with Jo, Jacky, and Isaac. Jacky and Isaac are in there own world mist of the time, while me and Jo just see how crazy they are and focus on us. We talk and talk. But now the topic is different.
"I think I'm ready? Well it's OK if your not, it's totally fine I get it." I say, I feel my face turn red.
"Well I'm ready, and I think we should, I mean if your ready than I am too." He says.
"Should we go to your house?" I ask, since mine is occupied with my my mom and niece.
"Yeah, my little sister's are sleeping over at our cousins, and my mom is working the late shift." He says.
"Ok, I'll just tell my mom us three are hanging out together tonight." I say, not knowing that this decision was going to affect my whole life.

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