Chapter 10

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Jo's Point of View

Today is the dinner with Mariah's family, I'm nervous I can tell you that. But I'd do anything for this girl.

"How's your novia?" My friend Isaac asks. "She's good, I'm having dinner with her family tonight."
"Bro you guys have only been going out for like 2 weeks and you're already having dinner with her family, that's dedication"
"Well I'm more dedicated than you, at least I don't leave a girl after 3 days."
"Hey man, I do it because I know I can never be serious with a girl, and last I remember you were doing that not too long ago, so don't go pointing the finger at me."
Man I wanna slap the shit out of my best friend, but he's right. I can't be the same guy I was 3 months ago, Mariah means a lot to me, and I have to change for her. Even if it means changing the things that make me who I am, at school and the streets.

She doesn't know I sell drugs to help my Ma, trust me if I could I wouldn't do it. I dont that shit either though. But it's the only income that I got to help, it keeps a roof over our heads and food on our plates. If only my stupid father didn't leave, maybe I wouldn't be doing this, but he did leave. If he didn't I wouldn't have my little sister's, so I'm grateful that he did leave. And I made my drops clean and I have beef with no one. And I plan to keep it that way.

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