Chapter 13

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Jo's Point of View
"Bro you gotta tell her, it's been over 6 months and you still haven't told her-that you sell, you know...."my best friend Isaac tells me. He's right I have to tell Mari, but it's too risky right now. And too dangerous, they're gonna think she's a narc or something, and I can't risk anything, especially her.
" I know it's just right now is not the time " knowing he's gonna give me crap about it. But I have to tell get sooner or later.

Mariah's Point of View
"So are you gonna, you know, with Jo?" My best friend Jacky asks me, while giving me a smerky look.
"Ew Jacky, we've only been going out for about 6 months, it doesn't mean we're gonna do it." Even though I think about it, I only see myself with him, and no one else but him. But I question myself, "Is he the the one?", "Am I ready?" I don't know.
"Come on Mari, I know he's probably dying to, and I bet you are too." I can't lie, I think I do, but I don't think I'm ready, at least right now.
"What about you and Isaac, over her bothering me about Jo, you two can't keep your hands of each other for 2 minutes." I tell her, trying to change the topic to her instead.
"Well first, we're not dating, we just you know hang out and do other stuff, that's all." She tells me. And trust me, I think she doesn't like it that way.
"Liar, I know you like him, and it's obvious he likes you." I tell her.
"Really, you think so?" She says.
"Yes." Knowing that I made her life a little less complicated now.

Jo's Point of View
"So what's up with you and Mariah, are you guys you know?" Knowing what he means I get annoyed, I'm not like the guy I used to be.
"No, were taking it slow, and I like it that way, and when she's ready, then maybe we will, but as of right now... Enough about me what about you and, Jacky huh?" Now putting him on the hot seat.
"What about us?" Isaac asks.
"I know you guys do more than just 'talk' to each other." I tell him.
"Well maybe she wants to keep it that way, I mean I don't know, I like her, but I don't think she wants anything serious." You see Isaac is the type of person who doesn't like to get to close to someone. He doesn't want to date her, because he knows their little fantasy or whatever will end, and she'll be gone. His ma' left him when he was about 2 and his old man died when he was 5. So he's been pretty much on his own, so he doesn't like getting attached to many people. But we had each other since the 1st grade, and I'm the closest thing he has to family.
"How would you know, have you asked her?"
"No" he says
"well there goes your answer, so you have to ask her." I tell him.
I call Mariah knowing Jacky is with her.
"Hello." I here her beautiful voice.
"Yeah, babe, is Jacky with you, by any chance?" Asking already knowing the answer.
"Yes, why?"
"Because Isaac wants to talk to her, like right now." I here screams coming through the phone which hurts my ears.
"OK hold on."
"Hello?" "Hey Jacky Ima hand you of to Isaac." "Ok."
Isaac: "Hey Jacky, I know that right now, we may not be together, but ever since we've been spending time together, I feel we've gotten close and stuff, and I was wondering maybe, if you wanted to actually start dating?"
"YES, yes!" I hear Jacky scream through the phone.
And he's happy as can be.

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