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Yo you gotta skip this! I messed up! Don't read it! Go to chapter 21 then Come back to this. As you can tell an 'epilogue' is something you read after a book is finished. And this isn't yet. Thanks!!! Sorry, I know I messed up.

"It's been 15 years since Jo died. I can't live without him, I know it's been so long, but he was my whole world." I tell Jacky.
"I know Mariah, but you have to let go, he's in a better place, with Isaac." She tells me. How could she have moved on? Now she moved out, got a new place, with Priscilla, and her new husband. I can't, I won't do that.
"Yeah, your right, but I'm not going to be with anyone, for I gave myself to him." I tell her. I did and I had his 3 children. Jr, Nina, and Isaac. They're my world too, and I'm doing my hardest for them not do follow in their fathers footsteps in hustling, for that's what got him killed.

Jo's POV
"It's been 15 years man, I gotta go back to my family now." I tell el jefe. "My kids are already 15, they're about to be 16. And I want to be there, I missed 15 years of they're life." I say.
"Well wait a little longer" he blows smoke "just a days." Couple days! Nah I wanna go now. "I'm leaving, I did what you wanted, my debt is paid. Adios!!"
I left before he could say anything. Before I knew it I was on the road going home to Mariah.

Later that night
Mariah's POV
"Someone's at the door!" Jr yells.
"And you can't get up and get it your so-" and I can't believe who is at the door, it's Jo! No it can't be he's dead, I saw his body! I must be dreaming!
"Mariah, ah how I missed you mi amor!" It's him! It's really him!
"What I thought you were dead! I saw your body-ugh I don't care your here!" I told him, holding him and crying. I'm so happy.
"Jr!!! Come here!! Purate!" I tell him.
"I'm coming, I'm coming!" He's by the door now and he's confused "who's the guy ma'? Is this Uncle Manny's brother or something?" Well good thing I didn't tell the kids that they're father was dead, I just told them that he was on a vacation. Which is kind of true.
"No Jr, it's your dad, he's back from his vacation!" I tell him.
"Oh yeah, his was that, um 15 year vacation of yours, dad?" Oh no, he's mad.

Jo's POV
Man does my boy have a temper, just like his father. He turned out nice. "Yeah, about that? It was more of like a job thing." I told him. "Where's your sister Nina?"
"She's out with her, um friend." Jr tells me. Friends? Friends my ass. "Oh ok. Fine if I come in?" I ask. "Yes come in." Mariah says.
"Where's Jacky?" I ask.
"She moved out, and got married to a guy named Manny." She starts filling me in on the 15 years I've missed. Nina who is now currently in her first relationship. Jr, on the other hand, was caught with too many 'relationships' as I'm told.
"So how's school?" I ask Jr.
"You know, you come in here acting like everything is all normal. Which it ain't! You've been gone 15 years! 15! When mom told us you were on vacation, I was pissed because I thought to myself 'dad loves taking his vacations then being here with us'! Then as I got older I just told myself you were dead, and I guess I was right, because you're dead to me. Your just some strange guy in my house, sitting on my ma's couch having a fucking conversation." He tells me. Damn he is my son. As he walks away Nina comes in.
"Ma I'm home! Who's this?" She asks. Before any of us can answer, Jr comes in and says "that's our dad, happy, he came back Nina." He said. Nina just ran over to me and have me a hug. She was and always will be a daddy's girl.
"I'm leaving. I'm going to Priscilla's house." Jr says.
"When doesn't he go there?" She's says wiping her tears.
"Nina stop!" Mariah tells at her.
"What ma I'm stating the facts!" Man she looks just like her mom.
I'm glad my girls still had hope of me coming back.
"Ma I'm back, I left the dog in the back." A little boy from the back comes in. I think it's one of there friends.
"Isaac, I told you, when you come back from walking the dog, take off your shirt because it has all of the dogs hair!" She yells at him. Wait a minute? Did she just say Isaac? Is this my 3 child? I don't remember her telling me about her being pregnant? I have little memory.
"Isaac?" I ask.
"Yeah, who are you?" He asks. Mariah smacks him.
"Be nice, it's your dad." She says.
"Yeah right, you said he's on a permanent vacation." He says.
"Yeah, I decided to cut it short because I missed you guys." I tell him.
"Alright I guess." He says and he goes to his room. Man I missed so much.
"So where did you go?" Nina asked me.
"Mexico." I tell her. Even though I was lying, I was still here in the states, but far enough that they couldn't know I was here.
"Well I'm gonna go to sleep, I'm-gonna go hang out with a friend tomorrow. Night!" She says and guess to get room, I guess Mariah's mom didn't live with here anymore.
"So you named him Isaac huh?" I said.
"Yeah, he was my friend too you know."
"Yeah I know, I really miss him."
"Priscilla and Jr are like a couple, but don't want to admit it." She tells me.
"Isaac would've kicked his ass before I did." I told her.
"I miss him." She said.
"Me too, that's why I left the, you know, I can't risk loosing everything I love, I mean it was bad enough they made me fake my death. Look what it did, I missed 15 years Mariah! 15 years! I didn't even remember you told me you were pregnant!" I told her.
"You don't. We were supposed to talk about it when you were going to come him from the drop. But you never did." She says looking down.
"But I'm here now. And that's what matters." I tell her. Nothing is going to make me leave now. I'm home, and I plan to stay.

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