Chapter 6

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It's already Saturday, and he hasn't even texted me. Is this a good or bad thing? Then out of nowhere I here my phone chime. It's him! The text says, "Sorry, been busy, didn't mean to leave you hangin' lyk that but I'm here now"
So I reply, "It's ok, yu probably had better things to do than txt me anyways", which I then regretted I sent.
"No, nothin' is more important than yu rite now" he replied. Oh my god did he really just say that? What do I reply back? I just said, "Well I have to go I'll see yu on Monday, bye." I felt so dumb. But then I was suddenly so excited, I wanted it to be Monday already.

It's Monday, and I don't know what to do so. As I'm in my room I can't figure out what to wear, so I just put on my favorite shiny jeans and a white T-shirt. Then I remembered my brother was going to pick me up, and drop me off at school today. Damn. Ok, I just have to make sure sure José isn't at the front where he usually is. As I wait for my brother I get a text from him saying, "Waiting for yu at the front hope to see yu there" and I reply "Same." Then I see my brother pull up, and I get into the car. We don't say a word to each other until we get to my school. José waves at me, and my brother saw, without hesitation asks me who that is. And I tell him that he's my friend, and I hop out the car and run inside school, happy I left that conversation before it got ugly.

I go to math class, knowing he's going to be there, when I notice he's not in yet, relieved I sit in my desk. He comes in when the bell rings, and sits in the seat next to me, and says "Hey" and I say hey back. We talk for a middle bit, but then get hushed by Ms.Ellis. Then I notice all the attention on us, I feel embarrassed right now. What do they think of me? Oh I don't know? But what I did know was that I slowly fading for this boy.

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