Chapter 9

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I can't believe me and Jo are dating! Wait, how do I tell my mom, I've never introduced her to any of my friends, maybe because I've never had any.

Ever since I was little I was, different you can say, then the other kids. They wanted to play one thing, while I wanted to do something else. Boys liked how the other girls looked, but they didn't like the way I looked. But Jo, he likes me for who I am, and I admire that, but will my family?

We finished eating dinner, and me and Mama were washing dishes together. "¿Tienes amigas Mariah?" My mom asking me if I made any friends. This is my chance to tell her, but I'm too scared. "Yes, Mama." She then stares at me, like she's waiting for something else to come out of my mouth. "They have names don't they?" Man I have to tell her his name now, here it goes. "His name is José." Then I just get a blank stare, which isn't good, it means she's either mad, or she's thinking, maybe even both. Then she answers, "And this José, is a friend or what?" I have to tell her, "Well he asked me out earlier this week, and I told him I would, but that he has to meet you guys." My mom doesn't even look at me, but says "Good, because I was going to invite him for dinner tomorrow weather he was just a friend or not. Now listen Mariah, your older siblings aren't gonna like this, but I'll invite them..." "Ma don't tell them he's coming." "I'm not mija just calm down, we'll figure it out mañana, now go to bed."

As I walk to my room, I text Jo.
"Told my mom about yu"
"Already wow, I told my mom about yu the first day I met yu"
I stop and think, and I realize that this boy might in fact really like me.
"And, she invited yu to dinner tomorrow night...."
"Perfect, bc I was going to invite myself anyways"
"And she's goin' to invite my bothers nd sister.."
"Good bc I cnt wait to meet them"
"K goodnite"
"Night beautiful"
Did he just call me beautiful? Should I text him back, no I shouldn't. I just put my phone down and just try to forget what tomorrow has in store for me.

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