Chapter 21

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"Mariah the phone is ringing!" Jacky yells.
"I got it! Hello?" I ask.
"Yes is this Mariah, partner of José Rodriguez?" The phone lady asks.
"Yes why?" I'm stating to get nervous.
"I'm sorry to inform you that José has just died in a bad drug deal, we need you to come down to the station to answer some questions." Phone lady says. My heart hurts, it felt like it was ripped out my chest. "Jacky! Jacky! No! No!" Is all I said.
"What happened?! Are you OK?" She asked me.
"No I think a police officer just called me saying-Jo's dead! He's dead Jacky! I told him how it was a bad idea, but he didn't listen to me! I should've stopped him!" I cried.
"You can't blame yourself. Anything could've happened Mariah." She told me.
"I have to go down to the station to answer some questions. So you think you can watch the babies till my mom comes?" I ask her, knowing that 3 babies is a lot.
"Yeah I'm fine, go, keep your head up." She tells me, I'll try.

20 minutes later at the police station
"Yes I'm here to answer some questions, a police officer asked for nd to come in." I told the guy in the front. Before he said anything, a lady came out and told the guy that I'm with her.
"I'm Detective Fuentes. I have José's case. And I need for you to answer some questions. Is that OK?" She asks me.
"Yeah, it's OK. What are they about?" I ask her as we enter an interview room.
"Just about what you know, that's all, then you can go." She tells me.
"Well not that long ago, he told me that you know he was doing this drop. He told me not to worry because he did many that this one won't be different than any other one. Then it got to the point where people wanted our kids and my best friend daughter. Then last month we got into an argument because I was telling him that it's too dangerous, but he wouldn't listen. Then it happened and now I'm here." I tell her.
"Than you for your help, it's well appreciated." That's all! She not even gonna ask me a question?! That's bull! Ah whatever! I need to go back to my kids.
"Your welcome. Please call me if you find anything please." I tell her.
The next day I get a call, telling my that they found his body. They asked me to go identify his body. I looked once and knew it was him. How can someone do this? How can they hurt my baby?! He has 2 kids and one on the way, how could they do this?! I made a promise to fulfill my dreams, and that's what Ima do, because I owe it to him and our kids.

Few months later
"Congratulations! Here's your GED. Hope you earn the best!" An email from my principal tells me. I did it. And more good news, I found out I'm having a boy, and I'm making him Isaac, Jacky is alright with it since, she doesn't plan on having anymore kids. Everything is starting to fall in its place. I found out what I want to do, and I definitely found myself through this whole journey.

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