Chapter 17

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"So it's a little hard to tell, your baby doesn't want to show themselves right now." The doctor says, I'm about 4 1/2 months pregnant. We don't know if it's a boy or a girl yet, and we're really anxious to know so we can have a baby shower. "Come on baby, we need to know if you're daddy's little girl, or boy." Jo says, with his hand on my stomach. Man I love how he's here by my side, even though I'm so big and have a bunch of mood swings.
"Wait a minute here." I hear the doctor say, I hope there's nothing wrong with the baby.
"What, what is it?" I ask, nervous about her answer.
"There's two heart beats, you're having twins!" I double check to make sure I heard what she said, so I look at Jo for answers and I can tell he's wondering the same thing.
"Twins!? But how?!" I ask.
"I don't know, but you're having em' alright. Take a blood test to find out if you want, the test is 90% true." The doctor says, I can't believe I'm having twins. I can tell Jo is excited too.
"We have to tell our parents." I say so excited.
"Alright." He says.
I call my mom, I can't wait any second longer.
"Momma, guess what?" I ask her.
"You're having a girl or a boy?" I can here the excitement in her voice.
"We're having twins ma!" I tell her. She sounds so surprised.
"Oh my gosh! Sweetie that's great! Are you having two boys, two girls, or one of each?" She asks.
"We don't know, but I'm going to take a blood test to find out." I tell her, so anxious to find out.
"Ok, after we find out we have to have a baby shower ASAP ok." She tells me. Man I'm so happy.
"Ok, we're going to eat and then go back home." I tell her, and then we head out to In-and-Out. Man do the babies love their fast food.
"I made the blood test for next week, at 9am, ok." Jo tells me.
"Ok, thanks babe. Man I can't wait to know what I have inside me! Ahhh, we have to figure out names. Like right now!" I tell him.
"Ok, girls. I like Nina. 'I like the name Andrea'." I like the name Nina and Jo likes Andrea. I think we should combine them together.
"Why don't we combine them together, like Nina Andrea, or Andrea Nina." I tell him. I can tell he's thinking.
"I like Nina Andrea. It flows." He tells me, and I'm happy, because I like the name Nina.
"K, now it's boys." He says.
"I like the name Emmanuel." I tell him, I always loved that name.
"I like the name José." He says.
"Oh really, how about José Jr. Emmanuel?" I tell him, and I can tell he's satisfied with that.
"Yeah, yeah I like it." So we came up with names.
"I can't wait to find out. I'm so excited." He says. Man I am too. I just want to hold my babies forever. My little family.

Three weeks later
"Ok the results are in." I'm so nervous to find out.
"Here let me read them." Jo says taking my phone away from me.
"What is it? What are we having?" He's taking forever to answer leaving me panic.
"We're having a girl, and a boy!" He says with so much joy.
"Omg! Ma!! Come here!" I yell.
"What, what happened?!" She comes in all worried.
"We're having a boy and a girl!" I tell her feeling tears coming down my face, I'm so happy.
"¡Hay que bueno! I'm going to call everybody and make the party next weekend ok?" She tells me, and I can tell she's more excited than I am. I tell her that's fine, and I walk to Jo, mostly because I can't run, since I'm 4 1/2 months pregnant. I can't wait to have these babies.

4 months later
"Babe! They're moving!" I tell Jo who wakes up all scared.
"What?!" He says.
"They're moving! See, put your hand on my stomach." I tell him, grabbing his hand and putting it on my belly where they are.
"Oh man! You can! They're so big!" Be tells me all excited.
"I know just to think in month we're going to be parents." I tell him, while running my belly.
"I know I can't wait to hold them in my arms." He says.
And I think, I've been through so much during, before, and most likely after this pregnancy. Before, I was struggling not to be in this situation, and that failed. I didn't have any friends, only Jacky, Isaac, and Jo. During the pregnancy, I haven't been going to school, so I technically dropped out to where my belly was noticeable to everyone. Isaac left, like I mean left, nobody knows where he is, for all we know he could be dead which scares Jacky, because she's pregnant with his baby. And Jo has been distant because Isaac was his beat friend. Jacky doesn't know what to do, and I've been by her side ever since. Her mom and dad kicked her out, so she lives with us now. My mom let her take my older sisters old room, as long as Jacky can keep a stable job to support her baby, my mom says that's the only way she can pay her back. And then it's Jo's drug deal in June, 2 months after that babies are born. To be honest, I'm really scared because I don't know what'll happen before, during, or after it. And our kids is my main concern. I can't raise them on my own.

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