Chapter 15

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So today, me and Jo are going to you know. I'm ready for it. I double check if I have all of my stuff. Makeup, perfume, and protection. I don't want to end up the way my family thinks I'm going to end up, pregnant. I text Jo, "Hey babe, I'm ready, txt me when yur here." 4:03pm
Babe-"I'm here." 4:45pm
As I walk out the door, I say bye to my mom and niece, and walk towards the car.
"Damn babe, you look.." He lets out a sigh.
"Thanks, so your house?" I ask him, but knowing what to talk about.
"Yes, were going." He tells me with a smile on his face.
I'm ready, he's ready, it's perfect.

"It's ok, just relax." He tells me as we're in the bed.
"Ok,ok, I'm ready." I tell him. "Wait, wait! Put this on." Remembering that I brought protection.
"I don't know, it may break." He tells me, laughing. I smack him for that, it's cute, but not funny.
"Just put it on." I snarl at him. "Ok,ok I am." Then it happens.

I get home around 7. My sister already picked up my niece, and my mom's waiting for me. Man, she looks suspicious. How can I tell her I just did it with Jo? Maybe she doesn't know, I have to see what she says first.
"How was dinner with Jo and Jacky?" I'm so glad she's not suspicious.
"It went good, we had a lot of fun, Isaac, Jacky's novio came and joined us after." I tell her, feeling bad lying to her.
"Good, que bueno." She says. "Alright off to bed, you have to wake up early to take care of Abigail mañana." She tells me. "Why? Is she still sick?" I ask. "Si and I can't take off work, and your sister can't either, your the only one that's free. Ask Jo to come over, she loves him." And I think, she does, and so do I. So I text him,
Me-"Come over tomorrow, I'm takin' care of Abigail, nd she loves yu."
Babe-"I will, love yu"
Me-"love yu too, byee"

I wake up to Abigail saying
"Buenos dias Tia Mari, can I sleep with you, por favor?" She asks with her puppy face, how can I resist? So I let her up. As I do she's out like the light. So I go and make myself breakfast, as I do I here a knock on the door, it's Jo. I run and open it. I tell him to shhh because Abigail is sleeping. And he gives me a kiss.
"Man do you look good in pajamas." He says.
"I know I do." I say teasing him.
As I finish making breakfast, I hear Abigail walking into the kitchen. She's looks so happy as she spots Jo at the table.
"Jo! Are you here to take care of me?" She asks with joy.
"Yeah I am princessa." He says picking her up and putting her on his lap.
"Can we watch TV Tia?" She asks giving me her pouty face,
"Can we Tia?" And there goes the other baby.
"Yes, go you two!" I tell them. As they both scream 'Yeah!' I imagine a life with him. Us having our own kids, a family of our own, with a house and everything.

What I didn't know was that, that little fantasy, was about to come true. Sooner than I thought.

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