Chapter 4

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It's lunch. Man does my stomach hurt, it's either because I'm hungry, or because I'm going to have lunch with José. I don't know, he's not even here, he's most likely going to flake on me, so I just find a seat and start eating my turkey sandwich.

Then I hear the seat next to me being pulled out, and guess who it might be, the one and only José. Man am I glad to see him. "Glad to see you didn't flake on me" I told him.
"Sorry, got caught up on some things" he said.
"You're not gonna eat anything?" I asked. He said no, that lunch wasn't really his thing.
"So...Algebra-2 huh?"
"Yeah what about it?" I said.
"Well you see I need help on it"
"Uhuh...." And there was a long silence until he said, "Do you think you can tutor me, well because you're a freshman in a sophomore class, so I thought you were smart, well you are smart, okay but will you?"
"Yes I will." Thinking how he just called me smart. "Alright then."

Then lunch was over. Man I wanted it to last, but now this is just the beginning of how it all began.

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