Chapter One : It's Not Normal

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It's Not Normal

I held my books against my chest as I walked up the stairs to another day in hell. Senior year. Well... not really. Senior year only started a few weeks ago, but I can't believe it's my last year in this hellhole. As I walked into the building, teenagers from every corner could be seen. A group of boys stared at me but I just kept my head up high.

Stupid idea Lana.

Next thing I know I'm on the ground. They tripped me.

"Geeky Lana," they laughed and walked away.

"Douchebag Benny," I muttered, standing back up and fixing my glasses.

All of the days I could wear a skirt it had today, when I get tripped and my skirt goes flying. I was wearing a black skirt, striped shirt, a denim jacket over the top and boots. I pulled up my maroon knee socks up and picked up my books. Never will I wear a skirt this short (thanks to my mum) with just my bare legs, so I decided on knee socks. What a nerd I am.

As I continued to walk to my locker, some people greeted me with the term of 'geeky Lana' or 'good girl', which I got used to by junior year.

I turned the corner and my sad face immediately lightened up when I saw my best friend leaning against my locker.

"Hey Miranda," I said approaching her. She hugged me and stood at the side while I was busy with my locker.

"Hey was your weekend?" she smiled.

Miranda Stevens has been my best friend since she arrived in sophomore year. Some seniors were beating me up and she came out of nowhere and rescued me. From that day we became friends, ignoring all the bad stuff people said about her wanting to be friends with such a loser like me. Miranda was different and that's why I liked her.

"It was boring...I finished my English assignment and went with my parents to that boring dinner," I groaned as I took my books out.

Before Miranda could answer, we heard footsteps of someone running around the corner. Of course, it was one of those girls who always looked for attention.

"They're coming!" she squealed fixing herself up. She fixed her top so it could be more 'revealing' and adjusted her skirt so it could be shorter. I rolled my eyes as I got my calculus book out and shut my locker. I turned around and leaned on my locker as I saw them coming around the corner.


They've been doing this ever since the new guy arrived, well not just them, but also the whole school. Everyone gave them space to walk, like they some knights who just saved a whole village and everyone is congratulating them but no, they are bunch of narcissists. The biggest ego heads this school ever had, and it makes me sick to watch them everyday as they walk past looking like they own the place.

Ethan Baxter.

Jefferson High's jock. He has dark brown hair with blonde highlights that he got when senior year started He is captain of the basketball team, and his dad owns the biggest and most popular sports store in Chicago. I had to do a project with him last year and let's just say, we got an A for all of my work. He has broad shoulders and there's a rumour they each have a tattoo, but you can only see it if you...well...with them, if you know what I mean.

Aidan Rowley.

The school's prankster. He always had a mischief grin on his face and is always up to no good. He is the shortest out all of them, brunette hair and six-pack he makes all girls melt.

Not me! He's annoying as hell!

At the beginning of senior year, I was walking to my Calculus class when I saw Mr Bronx standing there with the rest of the class, which was weird. The door was locked. Mr Bronx came over and opened it and I kept in a laugh. Aidan and his friends turned everything upside down. The desks and chairs were on the ceiling, the posters were upside down and let's just say Aidan got away with it since it was the first day, and Mr Bronx was a cool teacher.

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