The Miraculous Chapter 1

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AN: Hi guys this story is dedicated to mundane-fangirl and xXBookwormFangirlXx who urged me to write my ideas, and this story is one of them. Hope you like it. 😁

It was a wonderful sunny day in Paris, and a particular blue headed girl did not want to wake up.
"Wake up Marinette, or else you'll be late for school. AGAIN!" A little red kwami was trying to get the bluenette out of her bed, but she just wouldn't budge.
"Tikki, 5 more minutes please..."
The kwami sighed. "But Mari you said that 5 minutes ago, and you only have 10 minutes till school starts."
That got the bluenette moving.

Marinette scrambled out of her bed and frantically looked for her clothes and stuff for school. Once she was done, she zoomed out of her room, kissed her parents goodbye, and took some cookies. Placing them in her purse for her kwami to eat.

She ran towards the school trying to be there on time. Once she reached her classroom, she opened the door, (and being the clumsy girl she is) accidentally tripped once she entered the room.

"Ms. Marinette, late again I see." Ms. Bustier said while looking at Marinette. Marinette stood up and dusted herself off.
"I'm very sorry Ms. Bustier I'll try to be earlier next time."
It's a good thing Ms. Bustier is very understanding, so she let Marinette go. "Please take your seat Marinette I was just about to start the morning announcement." Marinette sat down on her usual seat which was next to her bestfriend Alya.

"As you all know we will be having an educational trip this weekend," Ms. Bustier stated. The whole class cheered in excitment.
"Alright class, now settle down so I can continue." Once the class had calmed down Ms. Bustier started telling more about the trip. "We will all be going to China and stay there for two weeks." Marinette looked at Ms. Bustier wide eyed. She was going to visit China. Her homeland.

Alya looked at her bestfriend who was wide-eyed at the moment. She can see the excitement in Marinette's eyes. She too was as excited as her. She was going to see where Marinette grew up.

"We will be learning about asian culture, arts, and ancient monuments. We will also interact with students from a Chinese school who will also act as our guide while we're there. So please, be on your best behavior. All you have to do is let your parent's sign the permission slip stating that you are allowed to go. Are there any questions?"

"Where will we be staying Ms. Bustier?" Asked Rose.
"We will be staying in an inn near the school. Are there any other questions?" Nobody raised their hand. "Alright, if there are no more questions let's start the class."


Alya and Marinette were on their break. Both were heading out of the school to the Dupain-Cheng bakery, and were already discussing about the trip to China.

"Are you excited girl? We're going to visit China! And I'm gonna see where my bestfriend grew up." Alya said while nudging Marinette lightly. Marinette laughed at her bestfriend's antics. "I'm really excited Alya. There are so much things that I want to show you there. Like the 'The Great Wall of China', the temples, the countryside. Alya it's amazing you're gonna love it." The two girls discussed more about this trip. When suddenlly a voice interrupted them.

"Marinette! Alya! Wait for us!" The two girls turned around to see Adrien and Nino running towards them. Marinette blushed madly when she found out her crush was approaching her. "H-hey Adrien. Up what's? Uh- I-i mean what's down? Agh! No that's not right. I mean what's up?"

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