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The boy was nervous. Today was the day. He dressed up and asked if it was okay that he didn't go with the class on the trip. They said it's fine, but he would be missing out on lots of things.

He was okay with that. He was doing everything for Marinette anyway. He had a mission. A mission of Love.

Going to the nearest floral shop, he bought the most exquisite flowers. The only best for his Marinette. He went back to the inn.

He prepared everything. He hadn't laid out the flowers yet. Afraid that it would wither.

The staff that worked in the inn were eager to help him. He had prepared a table on the roof top of the inn. Plates were set down on the beautiful white cloth. Unlit candles were all over the place; giving that romantic feeling once lit.

He waited for hours. Making sure everything was perfect. It was already late at night, and he had finally set down the flowers. He also scattered the petals all over her bedroom, and also left a note. He was holding a bouquet of white roses to give to her. Now... All he had to do was wait.

Marinette's POV

Adrien didn't come with us to the trip. I was hoping that he would've wanted to talk and figure this problem out. Even though we broke up it wouldn't hurt to still be friends right?

I sighed. To be honest I wanted to get back with him, but he might not want to be with me. After everything he had said...

I leaned on my seat trying to clear my mind.


It was late at night when we arrived at the inn. I was desperate to go to my room, and get a good night rest. But faith had other plans for me.

As I entered my room flower petals were scattered everywhere; on the bed, the floor, my pillows, and my nightstand as well.

I walked over to the nightstand seeing that there was a note.

Dear Marinette,

I have to talk to you. I made plans for us, and I know it's late at night but please see me at the rooftop after you read this.

With love,

I was surprised. The note wasn't even signed. Maybe Adrien left this note. He wanted to talk! And he stayed here just to set this all up. I was over joyed. 

I fixed myself as quickly as I can,"Tikki!" The little red kwami showed herself.

"Mari! What happened? Is there a fire?!" The red kwami was frantically looking for the fire.

"There's no fire Tikki, but how do I look?" She looked at me.

"You look fine Mari, but why do you ask?"

"Adrien wants to talk." Tikki gasped.

"Marinette! That's amazing! And you look fine, but you have to go! You can't keep the boy waiting!"

"Thanks Tikki!" And with that, I ran to the roof top.

When I arrived I was panting. I stopped and tried to catch my breath.

When I was ready I opened the door to the roof top. The scenery gave this romantic feeling. Candles were lit, flower petals were spread out on the floor, a table was set out right in the middle. Adrien did this for me?

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