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Adrien's POV

After I saw Marinette be controlled, I was hit on the head.


Black was all I saw. Once I woke up I was locked up somewhere that kind of resembled a cell.

Who would build a cell in an inn?

I was pondering on that thought; I heard a soft pitter patter coming towards me.


Footsteps actually.

"I see you've woken up." I looked up to see who it was.


I spat,"I see that you grew tired of controlling people, Ling."

He gave this growl,"It's not Ling anymore, Chat noir." I flinched.

He already knew about my alter ego, and I couldn't change that.

"And have you forgotten that I have Mari?"

It was my turn to growl,"You only have her physically, but emotionally she's mine. SO BACK OFF!"

Laughing maniacally as he scoffed. Crouching down and using the bars for support he started talking,"Yes that is true, but you'll never see her again. She's mine now." His eyes locked with mine; he was wearing a evil smirk,"You want to know what I feel when I kissed her a little while back?"

I didn't answer. My eyes were just wide with shock.

"She tasted sweet, like candy. She was also so eager to do anything for me. I now know why you love to kiss her."

I closed my eyes. Mari... My princess...

Please, snap out of it.

"Her lips are intoxicating aren't they?"

Tears were forming in my eyes.


I repeated her name in my head over and over. Hoping that she would come back.

He stood up finally finished,"Well Adrien, it was a pleasure talking to you."

As he was about to go he threw me something. A purse.

Marinette's purse.

"There you go Agreste. Something from Marinette. You can have it. She won't be needing that anyway."

And with that he left.

I clutched the purse close to my chest. I hoped Mari was okay. What was I saying of course she isn't. I wish I could do something to help her. I'll do anything to help her.

Plagg flew out from my pocket. The poor guys felt so drained, and he doesn't even have camembert.

"Adrien! Hey Adrien! I can feel another kwami's power! It's really strong."

I looked at my kwami,"Are you sure?"

He nodded,"The power seems to be coming from Marinette's purse."

My hands started to shake.

I slowly unclipped the bag. There I saw a little glowing red kwami. She slowly opened her eyes and stared.

"You- you're Adrien..."

"Well hi there!" I said cheerily. Then I realized...

Marinette is ladybug.

She's ladybug...


I smiled brightly despite the position I was in.

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