Miraculous Chapter 2

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AN: Hey guys I'm back with Chapter 2 so I hope that you'll enjoy this chapter. Point of views will now start appearing whoop whoop. Also please take note that the fanarts you are about to see are not mine thank you and enjoy the story.

It was the day of the trip, and Marinette was double checking her bag just in case she might have forgotten something.

"Phone, check. Wallet, check. Jacket, check. Book, check. Charger, check. Pillow, check. Purse and Tikki, check. Clothes for the next two weeks, they're in the luggage, so check. Well, I guess that's everything, right Tikki?" She received no answer.

"Tikki?" She asked once more. She looked inside her purse where the kwami would usually be. And there she was, sleeping soundly in her purse. Marinette giggled at the little sleeping kwami, the poor little thing was exhausted after the long night of packing, as well as meeting Chat Noir for their nightly patrol. During that time she had told Chat Noir that she would be gone for two weeks. Well, what a coincidence that Chat was also disappearing for two weeks.

It was a good thing that there weren't that much akuma attacks lately. So, Paris would be perfectly safe without their heroes for just two weeks.

Anyway, Marinette was already done fixing her luggage, and her dad helped her bring it to the van. After that, Tom and Sabine Dupain-Cheng drove their daughter to the airport.


Marinette and her parents were saying their goodbyes when suddenly her mother gave her an envelope.
"Mom, what's this for?"
"It's a letter for your nana. When you see her could you give this to her?" Marinette was about to protest, but her mother begged her with pleading eyes.

"Alright mama, I'll give it WHEN I see her," Sabine smiled at her daughter thankfully.

It was finally time to go in, and Marinette had to say goodbye to her parents.

"Now you, young lady. You be careful alright," Tom told Marinette sternly.

"Don't worry papa, I'll be fine. I'll be back before you guys know it," Marinette said, trying to reassure her parents. They all hugged each other one last time before Marinette went into the airport to meet the rest of the class.

Marinette was finally inside the airport. She looked around for her class until she found them.

"Alya!" She waved to her bestfriend. Alya noticed her and waved back. Marinette walked towards the group.

"We gonna go to China girl!" Alya said excitedly. Marinette laughed at her besfriend.

"Uh oh, looks like a storms comin'," Marinette looked at Nino suspiciously.

"What do you mean Nino?" He pointed at the entrance of the airport and there they saw Chloe Bougeoise. "You call that a storm? I'd call that a richly dressed trash can," Alya and Nino glared at each other, but then a few seconds later they both laughed their butts off.

Chloe was approaching the group. The whole group gaped at Chloe. But... It wasn't awe written on their faces but shock. Chloe had a mountain of bags on a small cart trailing behind her, and as always poor Sabrina was pushing that cart.

Nino cleared his throat, "wow Chloe, all these bags just for two weeks?" Chloe had a face full of shock and disgust.

"Ugh, of course not." The whole class stiffened even Ms. Bustier, "These are just for week one. The ones for week two are still in the limo." The whole class groaned.

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