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Marinette's POV

Today was the day we were finally going home. Everybody's luggage was in the lobby.

Groups of Chinese students from my grandfather's school helped in loading all the heavy load into the bus that was taking us to the airport.

I actually couldn't believe that we were actually going back to Paris. I was gonna miss China a lot, even with all the commotion that has happened.

"A penny for your thoughts?"

I didn't need to turn around to know who was behind me.

"Nah, I think I'll pass."

Adrien chuckled and placed his chin on my shoulder; his golden hair and warm breath was tickling my neck.

We over-looked the busy lobby. Chloe addressing Sabrina to fix her luggage, Alix and Kim running around, Alya taking pictures while Nino was watched her.


Everything was perfect.

"Hey lovebirds."

Adrien and I turned around seeing that the owner of the voice was Kristie.

She was pushing a wheelchair that had Ling on it.

Poor guy, he had his arm wrapped in a cast, his head was covered in bandages, and he looked sickly pale.

He looked great, in general.

Well, kind of.

"You look well, Ling."

"Don't lie to me Mari. You know I look hideous in these bandages, plus don't forget the wheelchair." He said in a very annoyed, but playful tone.

"I'm going to miss you guys, and China." I said trying hard not to let my tears fall.

"We will too," Ling replied.

Adrien cleared his throat loud enough to sense that he's getting jealous.


I sighed mentally.

'Oh Adrien, what'll I ever do with you.'

I faced him, caressed his cheek,"Don't you think I forgot about you kitty."

He snickered,"Wouldn't dream of it princess."

"You're a really silly kitty, kitty."

He laughed out his angelic laugh that I love.

We almost didn't notice the pair we were talking too.

Key word. Almost.

"Don't you guys think that we can't see you leaving."

They stopped dead in their tracks.




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