Miraculous Chapter 18

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Ling was still depressed over what happened. He could've avoided hitting Marinette if only that pretty faced french boy just stayed out of their lives. It would've been so much easier.

He just sat there, on the wooden floor of the room. Grasping a necklace. A yin and yang one. He found it one day at the market. Wanting to get it for Marinette.

But sadly, he found out that she already had one. And it wasn't from him. It was from french boy. He hated him, every aspect of the boy's body; he hated. From the golden blond hair to the attitude.

The boy was filled with rage and anger that he didn't even notice the purple butterfly(tired of exhaustion from flying from paris to china) land on the necklace he was holding.

An outline of a butterfly appeared on his face, and a voice out of nowhere spoke,"Hello whisperer. My name's hawkmoth, and I'm here to let you put your revenge into action. What do you say?"

Ling's eyes darkened. Revenge, he thought. That sounded nice.

"Yes, hawkmoth."

Probably this time, Marinette will love me; Ling thought.

Purple colored bubbles surrounded him. Transforming him into someone new. Someone who wasn't Ling.

Adrien's POV

We went to the inn's infirmary to get Marinette's wound fixed up.

Once she was done she had a bandage on her nose. It was like she just finished a nose job.

NOT THAT I'M SAYING THAT MARINETTE DID GET A NOSE JOB. Her nose is perfect. She's perfect.

"Hey... You okay?" I asked as I went to her side and placed my hand in the middle of her back.

She nodded and I gave her a single peck on the cheek.

All of a sudden a loud crash was heard from the outside the infirmary.

I pulled Marinette close to me. There was no way I was letting my princess get hurt.

"Stay here," I told her.

"But-" I looked at her with a stern look, but when I saw her frightened face; I softened.

I cupped her face, and gave her a kiss on the lips,"I'll be back,"

She nodded and I went out of the infirmary to see what was going on.

I went down to the lobby only to see a guy in a black and white suit, and a mask on his face. I immediately hid behind a pillar.

An akuma?! Here? In China?!

Where's ladybug when I need her.

"French boy... Where are you." He said in a sing-song voice that sent shivers up my spine.

"This little akuma just wants to play." As he said that, he formed a sphere that had the yin and yang on it, and threw it to the nearest person he could find.

And the nearest person was...

Oh no.

It was nana.

He went closer to nana and whispered something in her ear.

As he finished, nana cane closer to my hiding spot.



Until she disappeared.

This was my chance to transform.

"Plagg, we gotta transform."

He flew out of my blouse, and gave me an annoyed look,"Really Adrien?"

"Ugh! Plagg this is serious!"

He rolled his eyes,"Fine, just say what you have to say."

I grinned,"Plagg, Claws out!"

*Transformation sequence*

Once I transformed, someone took my hands and placed them behind my back. Police style.

I looked at who it was.

It was nana. I struggled out of her grip, but she was just to strong.

Who knew.

"Ahhh nana. Back already I see."

The akuma looked at me. His eyes looking at me. From top to bottom. A purple outline of a butterfly appeared across his face.

But he shrugged it of,"Chat noir, I presume."

I didn't answer.

"What? You aren't gonna talk?"

I still didn't answer.

He sighed deeply, and pinched the bridge of his nose,"Mrs. Cheng. I told you to capture Adrien Agreste. Unless..." He looked at me with evil gleaming in his eyes,"You're him."

He grinned maliciously. Another purple outline appeared on his face,"I don't want to get his miraculous that easily."

He paused,"I am the whisperer, hawkmoth. You gave me the power of persuasion and control. Meaning, I can control you too."

The purple outline flickered. The whisperer(as he called himself) had a costume upgrade.

He barked out a maniac laugh,"Bye bye little butterfly. A new villain has arrived."

He made another of his spheres, and threw it at me. At first I didn't feel anything, but I heard whispers my head.

"Break up with her Agreste." Multiple voices kept on repeating those words.

"No! I will never!" The voices still continued to whisper persuasions. A new sensation came along, gripping my brain as if it were a control panel of a robot.

"Get out!" I screamed in agony.

The whisperer scoffed,"You're stronger than you look Agreste. I'm actually quite impressed."

Sweat ran down my face. I was panting hard. Really hard.

"But... Why waste my time on you when I could make your Marinette mine right here, right now."

I looked at him wide eyed.

No, not my princess.

He motioned something, or rather someone forward.

It was Chloe. And she had Marinette with her. Marinette struggled out of Chloe's grip, but she wouldn't let go.

Marinette saw me and gasped out loud,"Chat?!"

The whisperer gave me a sickening grin,"Now watch cat, as your princess becomes mine."

Marinette looked at me in terror, as if she was asking for help.
But, I couldn't.

I couldn't help her.

'I'm sorry Mari...' I thought.

And with that I watched as my princess, the love of my life be controlled.


Ahhhhh I'm sorry it took so long for me to update, but here is the new chapter.


I won't abandon this story I promise!!!

I love ya my duckies!!!!


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