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Kristie's POV

Days have passed, and Ling was still with Marinette. Although... Things seemed odd between them.

Of course Ling was over joyed. His eyes sparkled with mirth whenever he was with Marinette. I wish I could say the same for her, but she acted odd around him.

Her smile was weary compared to what she gave to Adrien, and her eyes almost lost it's usual glow. In short, she wasn't exactly Marinette.

I tried talking to Ling about our agreement, but I was greeted by a different response. Different than the one I was expecting.

He told me that he didn't make a deal! When he told me this he looked as if nothing happened. He didn't care about me! It was like  I was just another pawn in his game.

It was frustrating! How could I be so stupid to actually believe everything he had told me. Everything! Everything was lies. Lies I tell you!

And now it was my fault that Marinette and Adrien weren't together anymore.

Ugh! Why did I believe Ling?! Why did I agree to his plans?! Why is life so complicated?! Why is LOVE making my life miserable?! Love hates meeeee!

I had to get Marinette and Adrien back together. I'm done with Ling! I'm done with him controlling me, tricking me, leading me on!

I needed people. People who were close to Adrien and Marinette. But who?

I walked around the inn to see Nino and Alya talking in the lobby.

Of course! Nino and Alya could help me. Hah! Get ready Ling. Karma is brewing a storm and it's coming your way.

Nino's POV (Let's give Nino some love guys)

I was talking to Alya about our date once we went back to Paris. Yes, we're dating. And the two dudes. Marinette and Adrien don't know about it since... You know. Their little fight.

Me and Alya are giving them some space y'know. Anyway, back to topic.

I was just talking to Alya when Kristie strode over to us.

"Hey guys!" She said with a smile.

"Hey Kristie! What brings you here?" My beautiful girlfriend said with gritted teeth. She's kinda annoyed at Kristie cuz. Y'know.

"I'm great! But I need our help." Help? This dudette was cray-cray(AN:is that how you spell it lmao. Sorry if it's wrong)
Why would this dudette need our help.

"It's about Adrien and Marinette." Oh... That kind of help.

"Why would you need our help," Alya asked with a hint of annoyance.

"I want to bring Adrien and Marinette back together." Okay. This dudette just made my mind explode.

"OMG! Yes we totally should." Alya practically screamed. All her annoyance vanished. Like poof!

Kristie giggled,"Quiet down. It's only right that we get them back together. And besides, it was mine and Ling's fault."

Okay. This dudette's got me confused,"What do you mean it's your fault?"

She explained everything. When I say everything. Dudes, I mean everything. From the weird obsession of Ling with Marinette, until his plan to make her his girlfriend. Even if she was still with Adrien.

She also told us her plan. Meh. it was simple, but it'll do. (AN: I had writer's block with the plan. I'm sorry)

Marinette's POV

I was in my room after a day of touring the Yangtze River. I was exhausted. Ling kept on dragging me around, finding a private spot to make out. At least that's what he trying to do since he keeps on puckering his lips.

Of course my peaceful environment had to end cause Ling had to show me a particular tree in the inn's garden.

Ugh! Why?! Do?! I?! Need?! To?! See?! This?! Tree?! Doesn't he know that I don't want to be with him right now?! Dosen't he know that the reason that I'm actually with him is because I thought Adrien hated me?! Doesn't he know that I want to be with Adrien and not him?!

Ugh! Why is love so complicated?!  I just wish some miracle would come and get me back with Adrien. While Ling stays away from me.

Anyway, while he was leading me towards the garden. I think that God actually did send me a miracle. 'Cause Alya came and dragged me away from Ling.

"Ling could I borrow Marinette he whole night? Before he could answer we were already heading towards my room.

"Alya! Thank the gods! What were you supposed to tell me?"

"Oh! I just wanted to show something to you that's all."

And with that, she shoved me into my room. I bumped into something hard. It was obviously not the wall.

I looked at what it was. Wait, no. Not a 'what' but, a who. It was (Ling hahah jk sorry) Adrien. Looking handsome as ever. But his eyes were filled with shock, and his cheeks were tinted pink.


Adrien's POV (so much POVs in this chapter)

Nino blindfolded me and dragged me towards... I actually don't know where, but once I did I tried to open the door. Only to find out that someone jammed it from the outside.

I was about to break the door down until Marinette arrived.

"M-marinette?!" I had so many emotions in my head, but mostly I was shocked. I felt my cheeks heating up. Darn it.

"A-adrien?? What are you doing in my room?"

"I-i um-uh..." I was mesmerized I couldn't even answer Marinette.

But, this could be my only chance to talk to her. I pondered on this and decided to talk to her.

Maybe this was why Nino brought me here! I silently gave a quiet thanks to Nino.

But, unfortunately nothing came out of my mouth.

Marinette just walked towards me slowly... And the most unexpected thing happened.

She kissed me.

Of course I couldn't decline the kiss. It would be very un-gentleman like if I didn't.

And I wanted to kiss her too(Lol XD)

We continued to kiss with passion and hunger.

And she said three words;

"I missed you..."

AN: okay that's all I was having a problem with this chapter, but I managed and here you go!!!


I love you my duckies!!!!


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