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Marinette's POV

I woke up somewhere different. It was dark and the room looked small with only one gigantic window; light was entering the small room, bathing me in it's light.

"Where am I?" My voice echoed throughout the room.

"Hello..." Silence greeted me.

I tried to stand but, something pulled me back.

It was cold, hard, and heavy. I looked at my wrists; I saw chains. I was chained up on the wall.

I tried to pull on them, but they wouldn't budge. I pulled on them as hard as I can, but as if on cue, the room shook.

I stumbled and fell down on the cold, hard ground. All of a sudden black smoke started to fog up the floor.

The smoke didn't smell like it was polluted. In fact, it was less dense than that.

Besides the mysterious fog appearing, faint images started to show outside of the window. It was like a television being turned on.

I couldn't really see clearly, but all I could make out was a pale colored silhouette with a hint of gold and green.

'Could it be?' I thought.

The images were still faint, but I could hear  voices loud and clear.

"Marinette, you have to snap out of it! This isn't you princess,"

Adrien! It was Adrien!

"Adrien!" I called out to him as loud I could, the images on the window were also getting clearer.

"Marin-" He started to talk once again; something cut him off.

A loud, sharp slap was heard.

The window showed Adrien touching his cheek, and he was bleeding!

Blood was drawing out of the wound. It was all my fault! I actually hurt Adrien!

Tears started to gather in my eyes. I felt like crying. I wanted to cry so hard until I run out of tears. Why am I even in this kind of situation?! I never asked for this!

My tears started spilling uncontrollably. I cried to the point I didn't care where I was, or whether it was all just in my head.



My head!!!

This was just all in my head. I'm in my head (although it sounds weird when I say it like that). But this was just all in my head.

I'm the only one who can get rid of all the voices in my head; I'm the only one who could get myself out of this trance.

I mustered all my courage and stood up.
Bright red lights started to surround me. They looked like the same bright lights that appear after I use my lucky charm.

The little lights surrounded my chained wrist, making the dreaded chains disappear. The mysterious fog also disappeared bit-by-bit.

"Well done miss cheng," a voice said out of nowhere.

"Who's there?" I asked.

"I am the guardian of the miraculous wielders, and I have been keeping an eye on you."


"You have been hiding in the dark for to long miss Dupain-Cheng, and it is time for you to touch the light." A short pause was made,"Now go! And defeat that akuma."

I blinked once; in an instant I was in the inn's garden, in a traditional Chinese wedding dress.


Was I about to get married?!

Grunting noises could be heard at the far end of the garden. To figures glided gracefully towards each other; it looked so much like a dance. But when one of them fell on the ground, I realized. This was no dance. They were fighting.

I ran towards them, and one of them was in a leather cat suit while the other was in a black and white traditional Chinese suit.

My attention turned back to the one in the cat suit. It was... CHAT?!

What was Chat doing here?

"Well, nice of you to wake up from your trance m'lady," he blocked an attack coming from Ling.

"M'lady? Marinette, what is he talking about?


I didn't know what was going on, but okay.
I was about to summon Tikki, but then I remembered that I didn't have my purse.

"Marinette!" A small voice called.

I looked to my right to see Tikki flying towards me.

I gasped and smiled. Without hesitating I shouted,"TIKKI TRANSFORM!!"

The familiar feeling wrapped around me as I transformed into my alter ego. Once my transformation finished I rushed in to help Chat.

He was having a hard time blocking Ling's attack. I grabbed my yoyo, it wrapped around Ling's waist. And I pulled it making Ling stumble back.

He turned around with menacing eyes, but softened once he saw me.


I pulled back my yoyo, but he still looked at me with wide eyes,"You-You're working with him? This-this Agreste punk?"

Now it was my turn to be wide-eyed.

Agreste punk?

"Ling, what do you mean??"

Ling stood up and Chat had his fists clenched.

"Oh? You don't know?" He walked towards me with a smirk.

"Didn't you know that your so-called-boyfriend was actually lying to you this whole time?"

I was shell-shocked. Adrien? Lying? Nah, that's not possible,"What do you mean Ling? Adrien would never lie!"

His smile widened, but before he could speak; Chat grabbed Ling, and gave him one heck-of-a-punch on that face of his.

"You. Shut. UP!"

Ling never got a chance to speak. Chat just kept on swinging attacks at him.

I couldn't do anything, but look at them.

What did Ling mean by Adrien lying to me?

I pondered on that thought while watching the two doing the tango.

"M'lady!" I snapped out of my trance; looking at chat who was on top of Ling. Pinning him down.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't want to tell you my identity like this but-" he grunted since Ling just hit him where the sun didn't shine.

Chat punched him once more, but miraculously Ling was still conscious.

"Marinette, please don't hate me for this."
Huh? How did he know my real name?

"Mari, princess, m'lady... I'm Adrien behind the mask."

Wait. What?!


I'm finally back!!! Yehey! Tests are finally over, but then the projects are piling up and almost all of them are due next week.



Anyway here's the latest update! I hoped ya'll liked it!!

I love you mah duckies!


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