Miraculous chapter 22

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Kristie's POV

This day is so weird. Actually, ever since Marinette's school came it's been really weird. I mean, c'mon.  First, there's a blonde, green-eyed, french boy who was currently in a leather cat suit. Second, Marinette just transformed into a bug. A red polka-dotted bug.

This has been happening since yesterday, and I just can't explain anything.




It's like me, whenever I try to find the percentage composition of an element during Chemistry.

Currently, I was sitting on one of the seats that was abandoned when the fight started.

And I.



I just stared at the fight between the trio. What could I do anyway? I was useless against two superheroes.

The three glided back and forth. Sparring with each other. Jeez, I wish I had popcorn. The suspense is getting real.

When Ling finally fell to the ground with defeat written all over his face. The two heroes ganged up on him, but surprisingly, Ling stood up with a fighting stance.

Why is he still standing?

What? I don't understand?

Why is he still fighting even though he knows that he can't have Marinette?

Why can't he realize that I'm right in front of him. Loving him and waiting for him to love me back.

"You know what? If you won't let me have Marinette then at least give me your miraculouses." Ling said.

"Why would we even give it to someone like you?" French-boy replied.

"Then I'll just have to force you to give it then."

The cat and Ling pounced at each other, and the cat punched Ling square in the face.

"You don't know when to give up do you?" Said leather cat suit guy.

Then Chat punched him again.

"Chat stop." Ladybug was looking at Chat,"Chat, please stop."

Cat boy stopped, but with him distracted Ling did an uppercut with his fist which made Chat tumbling down and Ling went unconscious.


When Ling went unconscious the akuma I've been looking for sprouted out. LIKE DAISIES!! I was shocked, but nevertheless I caught and purified it. Chat and Ling were injured badly, due to their intense duel. I sighed to myself. I have no idea what I'll do when Adrien gets jealous like this. 

Ling turned back to his original state, so did we and the other items surrounding us. As if nothing ever happened. Hey! I was surprised too since I didn't have to use my lucky charm.

"We have to take Ling to the infirmary!" Kristie exclaimed. 

Kristie started wrapping his right arm around his shoulder, I took his other arm to help Kristie a bit.

We started walking, but I noticed Adrien wasn't following. 

"Adrien! Could you lend a  hand please?" He said nothing.


"Adrien! Can you hear me?"

"Why would you want to help him after everything he has done?" He finally replied.

I tilted my head to the side in a questioning manner,"Adrien, are you jealous again? Can we talk about this later? Right now, Ling needs our help."

Kristie also pleaded,"Adrien please. I just want to see if he's alright. I don't know what I'll do if something happened to him."

He strutted to Kristie like the model he is, and glared at her. Hard.

"Why would you stoop down so low just to help him. Kristie he used you! He doesn't deserve your love and attention. In fact He doesn't deserve anything at all!"

Kristie's eyes welled up with tears.

"Adrien stop it! What's gotten into you?" I snapped. I love Adrien, but at times I just don't get why he's like this.

He looked at me with terrified eyes, mixed with a little pout, but that won't get through me! we continued our little stare fest until Kristie spoke.

"You're right Adrien, no one is supposed to stoop so low to help the person who hurt you. Yes, Ling used me, he me hurt me in so many ways. He left me behind just so he could get Marinette. But still, after all those days of being hurt. I still love him. I will never stop loving him," Kristie chocked on her tears,"I became patient with him because I know that I'm the only one who'll be there when everyone turns their back against him. I love him so much and there is no way I'm letting you speak those trash coming out of your mouth when you talk about him. Everyone deserves love, and I don't think anyone should be alone. Not even Ling."

Adrien I were both shell-shocked. Kristie started walking to the infirmary, while I followed her, but I turned back to Adrien and said, "We're talking about this later."

Ling's POV (Please dont kill me)

It was dark, and I couldn't see a thing. Although I heard voices. Voices that were so familiar to me, "I love him so much and there is no way I'm letting you speak those trash coming out of your mouth when you talk about him. Everyone deserves love, and I don't think anyone should be alone. Not even Ling"

Kristie? What was Kristie talking about?

Does she love me?

I felt my body being dragged somewhere. Ugh the weight of my own body is killing me.

I know it's ironic.

I just want to rest. I'm tired really tired.

A nap. A nap sound really, really nice. 

I felt myself being dragged deeper into the darkness. I liked it. It seems nice and cozy. The perfect place for me. A place where I'll be alone, not disturbance, just peace and quiet.

AN: HAiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

*Sees readers with guns, frying pans, swords, jackhammers, flamethrower, and a flower pot


I know it's been long since my last update, but I haven't abandoned this story.

I will never do that. I just have alot on my plate right now. I'm really sorry my little duckies.

school's been getting to me and i have to keep my grades up, then there was also a sports fest in our school and I joined cheering so I'm tired once I get home but I'm really sorry :((((((

ANYWHOOOOOOOO!!! I HOPED YOU LIKE THIS UPDATE (BTWxXBookwormFangirlXx There's a part that came from yoouuuuu hihihihiihi)



THIS IS UR MOMMA DUCK SIGNING OUT (nickname is from @Cerisecharminglover)   

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