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Adrien's POV

I was here. Lying on her bed. She had her arms around my torso, her breathing even, and with a slight smile on her face. I was stroking her hair while looking at her, as if she was a precious jewel.

I was happy. After the kiss we had last night, we started talking about what happened, and Nino, Alya, and Kristie came in explaining everything.

It all made sense. Ling wanted us to break up so he could have Marinette for himself. That bastard.

But, he wasn't important right now. I finally had Marinette in my arms and that was all that matters. I placed a light kiss on her forehead, making her stir.

She opened her eyes to reveal the universe hidden under those eyelids.

"Good morning..." She said with a smile.

"Good morning." I gave her a peck on the lips making her giggle.

"Adrien! I have morning breath." She complained teasingly.

"Does it look like I care?" I kissed her more. We had a mini make out session until we heard a knock.

"Who is it?!" Marinette called. We were looking at each other trying not to laugh.

"It's Ling! May I come in?" We bolted out of the bed. Trying ti get any trace that I was here. I only had one problem. Where would I hide?

I was thinking on hiding in her closet but I was too big! So the only option was under the bed. I went under her bed while holding my orange sneakers to my  close to my chest. Once I was well hidden Marinette opened the door.

"Hello Marinette such a pleasure to see you this fine morning."

"Ling?! hi!" I heard Marinette make a gasp from under the bed.

"What was that for?" She sounded startled.

"It was a good morning kiss." A good morning kiss?! I wanted to get out from under the bed and show him a kiss. The one where his face meets my fist. Now that's a kiss.

"Oh! And I also brought you breakfast." He went out of the door a brought in a tray. The aroma of freshly cooked bacon and eggs entered my nostrils. My stomach growled loudly.

"Wow! You really must be hungry Marinette."

Marinette chuckled,"Hehehe, I guess I am hungry."

I made a mental apology to Marinette. He placed the tray on the bed side table,"I have to go now pumpkin. I got work to do."

I heard Marinette hum. Silence was followed by a smooch sound. That bastard is stealing kisses from my Princess.

"I'll see you later Marinette!" Ling excited the door. His footsteps grew softer and softer. Once we didn't hear them anymore; I went out of my hiding spot. While Marinette ran to the bathroom.

"Mari?" I called out. Once she emerged out of the bathroom she kissed me full on lips. Of course I kissed back.

"What was that for? Not that I'm complaining."
She shrugged,"I needed to get the taste of him of my mouth."

I smirked and kissed her some more, but we were interrupted by our stomachs growling.

"Looks like someone's hungry." I gave her a smile, while she giggled,"And it looks like I'm not the only one."

No matter how much me and Marinette hated Ling; we ate the breakfast he brought up.
So, technically he was like a personal maid.

After we ate I went up to my room to pack. Since today was allotted for packing and tomorrow we'll be going home. AWAY FROM LING!

Thank god that he would be gone soon. Marinette was also planning on breaking the news to him.

Hah! Take that Ling.

Marinette's POV

I couldn't believe Ling would do such a thing! What a jerk! And to think, I actually gave him a chance! Anyway, I was planning on ending our relationship.

Wait... What am I even saying. There wasn't even a relationship between us. I actually wished that the the stuffed panda that I destroyed was Ling. UGGGHHHH! I just wanted to rip his limbs out y'know.

Anyway, once Adrien left my room to pack his stuff; I took out the yang necklace that I wore underneath my shirt.

My nana was right, I thought, we were so different, but we still love each other.

And Ling had no right to break that lovely relationship I had with him.

I was in the middle of packing when Ling entered my room. He was smirking. It only made me want to wash that smirk of his face.

"Hey babe!" Babe? Where'd that come from?

He wrapped his arms around my torso, and kissed me on the cheek.

I wanted to punch him right there, but I had a something different else in store for him. Something he will never forget.

"Nothing much, I was just packing." His face dropped.

"Hey... What's wrong?" he pulled me closer.

"I'm just gonna miss you that's all. You're actually gonna go back to Paris, and I'm stuck here."

He rested his head on the crook of my neck. I felt uncomfortable, but I didn't let it show.

I took his face in my hands, making him look at me,"Hey... You'll be fine without me."

I wanted to gag. I wanted to break the news to him right then and there.

He smiled, and kissed my forehead.

"But I'll miss you babe."

I wanted to hurl on his face.

He rested his head on the crook of my neck again, and started to pepper kisses.

"Babe, don't go..."

Stop it Ling! I wanted to shout, but instead what came out of my mouth was,"Ling I have to finish packing."

He stopped kissing my neck. Thank God.

He unwrapped his arms from my torso,"Alright," He kissed my knuckles,"I'll see you soon babe."

He was still looking at me when he was going out of the door. But, since he wasn't paying attention to where he was going; he bumped on the door frame on the way out.

And, of course being the bad girl I was; I laughed.

He walked farther away from my room with his head down.

I continued to pack my clothes.

"Sup babe."

I turned around to see Adrien leaning on the door frame.

"Adrien. No."

He just stood leaning on the door frame, his arms crossed, and he was wearing that sexy smirk of his.

I had one thing in my head right now. And it was Adrien being; H to the O to the T. Hot.

I sighed.It was gonna be a long day.

AN: Yay! Here ya go guys! I'm sorry it took me so ling- I mean long to update. I just started school and I go home late soo yeah.

But that doesn't mean that I will put this story on hold or discontiniue it.

No. I will never do that.

Anyway, I love you my duckies, and I'm also sad to say that this story is almost over. But don't worry I got something else in store for you guys!

I love you my Duckies!!!


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