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Marinette's POV

It was early in the morning and I had to wake up.

Y'know it's not that early... Like 3:00 am.

See! It's not that early.

I had to help load the bus with enough food and water for the trip. And also I had to ring the gong at 3:30, so every could wake up and start getting ready.

I went to the second floor which is where the girls are. Oh Alya, I hope you forgive me for waking you up at 3:30 in the morning.

I hit the gong a few times until everybody was up. By a few times I meant 30 to 40 hits.

"Marinette! What is wrong with you! You get late during school and now you wake us up early?" Alya yelled.

I yelled back,"Sorry Alya! They threatened me if I didn't wake up! I'll tell you later, but for now all of you have to get ready we're leaving at 4:00 sharp!"

"Four!!" Everybody yelled.

"What's all the commotion about?!" A new voice entered.

And it was Kim in his bunny pajamas and his little bunny stuff toy.

Oh! And don't forget the squeaky bunny slippers.

"Um.. Kim? You do know what you're wearing right."

Huh? Yeah whatever I don't care."

His head started drooping so... I hit the gong.


"Kim could you tell the boys to wake up and get ready we have to leave soon."

"Ok sure, but in one condition."


"You have to let me use the gong on them."

I handed him the gong and he looked like a child on Christmas morning.

A few minutes later everybody was up.

Everybody was in the lobby. I was doing a head count when someone covered my eyes.

"Guess who?" A deep voice said in a sing-song voice.

I giggled and placed my hands on his and slowly removed them,"Adrien?!"

I turned around to see that it was not Adrien but Ling.

"Who's Adrien?" My mouth was agape. I actually thought that Ling was Adrien?! What is happening?!

"Um-uh no one! He's no one Ling," except that he is someone! He is Adrien; my love so sweet.

"Doesn't seem like a no one. Is he your crush or something?" His eyebrow was raised. Why does he even wanna know who Adrien is?

"Why do you even want know?" He started to open his mouth, but before he could even answer, Ms. Bustier said that we should load the bus.

Everyone was finally in the bus, and we were off!

It was a long trip so mostly everyone was asleep. I was sitting at the back part of the bus with Alya. Her head was leaned on the window and she was snoring softly.

A few hours have passed; and it was already 9:00 in the morning when everybody was awake.

Thirty minutes later we arrived at the Panda breeding center.

Ling lead us to the entrance. Yes he did come with us. Is there a problem? Anyway, we met our student guide which was one of my bestfriends.

Kristie, "Yay! You guys are finally here! So lets get started on the tour," she lead us deeper into the breeding center.

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