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Adrien's POV

She... She chose him. She chose Ling. I was too late. I was supposed to talk to her. I was supposed to apologize... I just wasn't expecting for Marinette to be with someone... Someone who is not me. All this... Happened in one night!

I went back to my room, closed the door behind me, and face-planted myself on my bed. I made quiet sobs, but they weren't quiet enough.

"Adrien... You okay?" I looked up to see Plagg looking at me with concern.

I shook my head,"I was too late Plagg,"*Sob*,"She's with Ling now, they're dating each other..." I sobbed some more. I didn't care that Plagg was seeing how weak I am. I felt like I wanted to die. That it was already the end of the world. It's like Marinette was the only thing in my life worth living for. I love Marinette and I never wanted to let her go.  

I planned for this moment. The moment where I would apologize about overreacting. I planned it all... Even mrs. Cheng helped me. Marinette was the light of my life, and I let that light disappear.

I changed into my pj's and went to bed. Plagg did the same.

Later that night. I tossed, and I turned; trying to get the image of Ling and Marinette out of my head... But I couldn't. I picture them holding hands, Marinette giggling at his jokes, Marinette pushing back his hair from his face, and worse. Marinette kissing Ling! Full on lips!

Snap out of it Adrien! Maybe a glass of water will do you good. I quietly went out of bed. Trying my best on not waking Plagg.

I tip-toed my way to the kitchen as quiet as a mouse. Once I arrived I opened the refrigerator to get one cold glass of water. I drank the water in one single gulp, but I still wanted more. I was on my second glass when a voice startled me.

"I knew someone was here." I jumped. Literally.

It was Mrs. Cheng,"Mrs. Cheng! Wh-what are you doing here?"

"I sensed someone was inside the kitchen. I thought it might've been a rat." She sat on one of the stools near the kitchen counter.

I hummed. See?! I wasn't even to make a pun about it.

"So... How did the talk go."

Tears started to gather into my eyes. Mrs. Cheng must've noticed because she started apologizing,"Oh... I'm so sorry my boy. I didn't know..." She got up from her seat and strode towards me,"She loves you Adrien, her head wasn't in the right place. You two are like yin and yang. So different, but both of you were meant to be together. That's why I gave you the necklaces. So you two would be reminded of that."

My tears were already flowing,"How could you even love someone who is so different. Someone who doesn't think the same as you?! She thought that I hated her! That's why she went with him." I was sobbing hard now. Even a man needs to show his emotions sometimes.

"There there son, everything will be alright. You'll see."

She gave me a warm smile, and I couldn't help but smile back.

"Thank you Mrs. Cheng."

"Now you should get to bed."

I nodded and thanked her. I went back up to my room. Face void of tears. Hoping and praying to myself that everything WILL turn out right. Hoping... That Marinette would be with me once again.

Marinette's POV

I was thinking of Adrien... Again. Even though I was with Ling. Every gesture, every move that Ling makes. Reminds me of Adrien.

I regret everything, and every word that I said to Ling last night... Well except for the part where I said that I still love Adrien.

I miss him. I miss Adrien. Do you know how much I want to kiss him, hug him, and tell him how much I love him?

I sighed,"Hey... You okay?"

I turned to see Ling, we were at the bottom of the great wall of China. We just finished crossing the wall, and now Ling was getting me dumplings from a nearby food stall. Even though I wasn't in the mood.

He cupped my cheek and made me face him,"Hey... We're together now right?" I nodded,"Then move on... Please?" He gave me a little pout. I couldn't help, but laugh.

"Okay." He smiled and led me to the bus.

I saw Adrien at the corner of my eye. Adrien. I wanted to scream his name and run to his arms.

But, I can't.

As we walked farther away, hus figure grew smaller and smaller... Until he disappeared. Ling led me inside the bus. We were all alone.

The class weren't coming until later, and the driver was on his break.

We talked about almost everything under the sun. Of course I laughed at some of the things he said, and he seemed to stop talking whenever I did so.

"Did Adrien ever tell you how wonderful your laugh is?" I stopped laughing. Of course he did. He always does.

I nodded,"He's mentioned it once or twice."

His face dropped,"Well, I'll tell it to you my way. Marinette... Whenever you laugh it's like angels are singing from the heaven."

I blushed, then smiled,"You're so cheesy."

He smiled back and started to lean in. He was getting closer and was slightly puckering his lips.

Wait. No. I don't want to do this.

Before his lips could touch mine the driver just came back from his break.

"Hey! You kids okay?" The driver said in Chinese.

I mentally thanked the driver,"Yes, we're fine sir." I replied in Chinese as well.

He tipped his driver's hat and sat on the driver's seat.

I leaned on the backrest of the chair and sighed. I felt a hand hold mine. I looked at Ling with a shocked expression, but he just smiled.

I let him hold my hand until we arrived at the inn.

I once we arrived, I immediately pulled my hand away from his, and went down from the bus.

I was about to go to my room, but Ling offered to take me there. I denied. But of course, he came with me.

"Goodnight, Mari." He said with a smile.

I gave him a small smile,"Goodnight Ling," after I said those words I slammed the door on his face.

I didn't want this. I never did. I was an idiot for accepting Ling.

I laid down on my bed. I was trying to sleep, but I tossed and turned. Every time I would close my eyes I would see Adrien.

I sat right up on my bed, and turned on my lampshade. I took the necklace I still wore around my neck, the one I hid under my shirt. The one my nana gave me-us.

I still wore it even after everything.

I ran my finger in the smooth surface. I was still thinking about Adrien. Wondering if he was thinking about me as well.

AN: OKAY THAT'S DONE!!! I hoped you guys liked this chapter. Don't worry Adrien and Marinette will be together once again guys!!

That's all I have to say!

I love you my duckies and see you in the next chapter!!


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