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Marinette's POV

The storm subsided and we were finally allowed to continue our trip. It was a good thing too. We were already behind schedule and the places where we're going are very far. We even have to stay overnight in another inn. There was so much to do, but so little time. We might not even visit the Victorian Harbor in Hong kong.

Anyway, today we were going to the Potala Palace in Lhasa. It was going to be a long trip so we might come back at the inn later than usual.

I was supposed to wake the others today, but then Ling offered to do so. I don't even know what's gotten into his head; he's been telling everyone that I would be his girlfriend, and it's getting really annoying. Just because I liked him when I was thirteen, doesn't mean that I would be his.

And besides, after the almost kiss of me and adrien under the rain. I doubt that I'll be wanting anyone else. I was waiting for the class downstairs near the entrance. Once everyone was there; we went inside the bus.

I sat beside Alya in the left front of the bus. While Adrien and Nino sat at the right.

"Gurl, we have too talk," i faced Alya.

"Talk about what?"

"Gurl, you almost kissed Adrien yesterday. Adrien! Under. The. Frickin. Rain!"

"Alya! Not now!" I yell-whispered at her.

"Gurl! This might be like the greatest thing that has happened to me! Well, after I discovered Ladybug."

I groaned at my bestfriend,"Alya. Me and Adrien aren't even officially dating yet!"

She gasped,"you said yet! So there is a chance?!"

"Ugh! Alya!" I laid my head on her shoulder,"it's just...complicated."

"There, there girl." She patted my head and let me stay on her shoulder.

I moved my head a bit to look at Adrien in the other side of the isle. He was reading a book. Smiling slightly.

Few hours later we finally arrived at the Potala Palace. We went inside the palace. It was beautiful. There were numerous carpets, chapels, paintings, and a really, really long hallway. Sadly, pictures weren't allowed. (AN: Not sure if it's not allowed in the whole palace lmao.)

I was looking at a particular painting when I felt the hairs at the back of my neck stand up. I turned around a squeaked. It was Adrien.

"Oh! Sorry Marinette, I just wanted too look at this painting too." He told me as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"It's alright. The painting is really something huh?"

"You're something too."

"Huh?" I suddenly went wide-eyed.

"Ahhh hahahah Uh-Um nothing. I-I said nothing ahahahahaha." He was acting strange.

"Adrien, are you okay? I'm worried." He looked flustered.

"Yo-you are?"

"Of course I am." He opened his mouth to tell my something else, but Kristie. Who offered to be our tour guide came.

"Hey Marinette!" She came skipping towards us.

"Hey Kristie! What brings you here?"

"Well, I noticed your cute friend, and maybe you could introduce me to him?" She wasn't really looking at me when she said this, but she was batting her eyelashes at Adrien. Kristie was never this flirty before. I buried that thought deep into my head. Whatever happened to her; I don't like any of it. She. Better. Back. Of. My. Man.

"This is Adrien, Kristie. Adrien this is Kristie," Marinette! What are you doing?! I mentally scolded myself. You weren't supposed to give her the advantage of flirting with him. UGH! STUPID!

She moved closer to Adrien and started stroking his arm,"Hi Adrien. Y'know, I'm single right now." She said with a wink.

Okay that's it. I am done with everybody flirting with Adrien!
I grabbed Adrien's free arm and pulled him towards me.

"Actually..." I cant believe I'm doing this,"he's seeing someone."

They both looked at me and said at the same time.
"He is?"
"I am?"

"Yes he is actually."

"Wow!" Kristie said sounding surpirsed. "Who's the lucky gal?"

Both of them looked at me expectantly. I also can't believe I'm doing this one as well,"It's me. He's dating me."

Kristie gasped, while Adrien smiled widely.

I pulled Adrien slowly away from Kristie, and she too let his arm go.

"Ohhh wow! Why didn't you tell the group? I'm sure they'd be ecstatic!"

"Uhhhh..." I had no idea what to say next.

"We didn't want anyone to know yet, but we were about to let the cat out of the bag. Isn't that right Mari?" He looked at me with those emerald green orbs. Happiness was radiating off of them. Did he like the idea of a relationship with me?

"Oh! Um-uh Yeah that's right," I gulped,"love." His smile widened more if that was even possible.

"Okay! If you don't mind Kristie, we'll be going to see more of the palace." He wrapped his arm around my waist and started leading me away.

"Oh! Yeah! Sure! Okay..." She just stood there looking at us as we went farther down the hallway.

His arm was still wrapped around me. I started to wonder. 'Does he like me?'

Once Kristie was out of sight; he pulled me towards the side.

"So... We're dating huh?" I blushed crimson.

"Uh! No! I mean-uh I j-just, um... Whaaa?" His face dropped.

"So... We're not dating?"

"Nonono! I mean! I-i uh. I don't know. Is that what you want?" I looked at him with a questioning look.

He blushed,"I-um well. I wasn't really complaining."

"So... You do want us to be a thing?" He scooted a tad bit closer to me.

"Is it okay?" He scooted closer.

"I'm not complaining." He smiled and scooted closer to me until our noses almost touched.

"So you won't mind if I do something?"

"Do what?" Instantly he cupped my face in his hands and crashed his lips unto mine.

His lips were soft, and they had a hint of mint. I felt like I was flying towards heaven, while fireworks were exploding in the night sky. Plus the ladybugs in my stomach were flying around wildly, and I couldn't feel my legs anymore. I could almost hear Tikki squealing in my head.

Adrien pulled me deeper into the kiss making me dizzy. So much emotions were coursing through our veins. This kiss was so magical that I wanted to stay like this forever.

But, unfortunately the moment had to stop at some point. We both pulled away; trying to catch our breath.

"I've *pant* been wanting *pant* to do that for *pant* a long time know." I giggled at him and wrapped my arms around his neck. I placed my head on his head. Listening to his heart beating.

"Uh... Marinette? As much as I like this moment to last; I'm afraid that we're not alone."

He gently turned my head towards the middle of the hallway, and what a sight it was.

There were all are classmates looking at is with idiotic grins on their faces, while Kim was covering Nino's mouth. Who was at the moment struggling to get out of his grip.

Well. I guess me and Adrien are official now.



Anyway I hoped you liked this chapter my duckies!


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