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Adrien's POV

Marinette and I hung out in her room the whole day, and whenever Ling would come I would hide under her bed once again.

And also i would hear him giving kisses to my princess. No one give kisses to my princess, but me.

I know I've already said it, but I would really really appreciate if he and my fist did a little smooch too. And that kiss would be very memorable.

Once her bag was already packed we snuggled up on her bed. Of course the puns were present. And she wouldn't stop groaning and laughing at the same time.

But there was also a time where Ling would come and ruin the moment. And once again I had to hide under her bed with those little dust bunnies to keep me company.

Also during dinner. I had to see Ling serving Marinette food. I gripped the utensils I had in my hand so hard, that I actually made it bend. Guess I never knew my own strength.

After I replaced the bended utensils, I started to chew real loud. Ling was trying to feed Marinette! 

I wanted to shout that Marinette wasn't a baby anymore...

Well... She's my baby and I'm hers, but anyway. He had no right to touch my girl.

I couldn't bear to finish my food, so I excused myself from the dining table and went up to my room.

I laid there on my bed with Plagg annoying me(as usual), but he was a really great companion...

Fine... He's a great friend. (Plagg out of no where* awwww you do care.
Adrien replies* shut up Plagg).

2 hours of staying awake. I already washed, changed, and Plagg was already asleep.

My eyes were starting to close, but I heard someone knock on my door.

I woke Plagg up. Earning a loud groan from that little kwami mouth.

A few knocks were made, and Plagg won't budge. So, I just tossed the poor thing under the bed like a broken toy.

I opened the door to reveal the angel that has been haunting my dreams and my thoughts.

"Marinette!" She came into my room without permission.

Kinda sexy don't you think?

She shut the door behind her and made a come motion with her pointer.

It's getting hot in here. DAMN.

Of course I came closer to her. She started to caress my cheek. Her touch was so comforting that I just had to lean onto her touch.( which was probably a pathway to a land of unicorns... Wait. What?)

"Hey..." My green orbs met her dazzling blue ones,"You left dinner early. Want to talk about it?"

I led her towards my bed. We sat down on the edge,"Y'know... You kinda bended our silverware back there."

I smirked,"Sorry."

We both laid down on my bed in comfortable silence.

I stroked her midnight blue locks while her head was on my chest.

I was about to close my eyes but Marinette started sitting up. Removing her head from my chest.

"I better get going."

She stood up from my bed but I took her hand and stopped her.

"Stay." I told her.

"Adrien, you know I can't."

I pouted,"But Mari."

I whined like a child wanting his candy. And Marinette is definitely my candy.

She sighed,"Fine. But I have to wake up early so I could go back to my room."

My eyes gleamed with excitement.

She went back to my bed and positioned herself; her arms were wrapped around my torso, our feet were tangled, and her head was neatly tucked under my chin.

"Adrien?" She asked while she was stroking my chest with her finger.

I hummed in response,"Would you love me forever?"

I untangled myself from our position and looked at her. I stroked her beautiful blue locks and kissed her forehead.

"You are the only person that I want to be with, and I never want to leave you ever."

She smiled,"Promise?"

I smiled back,"I promise."

I pulled her closer to me and kissed her delicate lips.

"Goodnight Marinette."

"Goodnight Adrien."

Her eyes were already closed and her breathing was in a soft rhythm.

She was alseep. She was asleep in my arms.

And that's how I want it to be.

Hi duckies I'm back with a new chapter and it's short. I'm sorry, but I just wanted to give ya'll adrienette fluff.

Anyway, sorry for the short chapter, but I hope you guys liked it.

Thank you guys!!!

I love you my duckies!!!!


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