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Adrien's POV

I was wide awake; watching the two kwamis flying around trying to catch each other.

I smiled at the two, glad that Plagg found his lost love.

But of course, happy moments always have an ending.

Someone entered the room. Tikki and Plagg hid inside my shirt.

The sound of the footsteps got closer and closer. My head was down, so I wouldn't see his ridiculous face.

"So now you've got the guts to talk to me huh?"


"You're not gonna talk? How rude-."

Before I could even continue. I raised my head and looked at the person right outside my cell.

It wasn't Ling. No, it wasn't him.


She just stood there stiff as a robot. My poor princess was controlled; I couldn't even do anything about it.

I stood up and approached her. Even with the bars separating us both, I pulled her into a hug.

But, she didn't return the gesture. I stroked her pale face. Her eyes were staring out into oblivion. And the hue of her irises were dull.

What happened?

"Mari?" Her expression didn't change,"Mari, you have to snap out of it. This isn't you princess."

Still she didn't reply. There was no signs of MY Marinette in her.

Tears were streaming down my face.

"Mari..." I said in a soft whisper.

"You'll never get her back Agreste."

I looked around,"Come out Ling! Don't be a coward!"

"Me? A coward? I don't think so, Agreste. Why, I'm actually right in front of you. I am in the body of your weakness. Precious Marinette."

I growled,"Hiding in a body? That's low, even for you."

"Watch your mouth, Agreste. I am in control, meaning, I could turn Marinette against you."

Marinette's eyes glowed menacingly, and her teeth was bared. My Marinette isn't like this. She's not a monster.

"Let her go Ling!"

Silence greeted me once again.

I looked at Marinette; she was still in the same state she was in a little while back, but I wanted to take the risk.

I once again placed my hand on her cheek,"Marinette, I know that this isn't you, but princess you've got to fight it. Princess you're stronger than this. Don't let Ling control you."

I stroked her cheek using my thumb.

"Ha! She can't hear you Agreste, and she never will."

"Marinette... Please..."

She gave out a little growl. I took my hand away from her cheek, but I stayed on the same spot I was in.


Before I could finish my sentence; I felt a sharp pain across my cheek. I reached out to touch it. I felt something sticky. It wasn't water. No, it was... Blood.

Marinette lashed at me.

After her lashing, she was stiff. Then she turned and went out the door from where she came from.

I just sat there in shock and sadness; not even trying to break out of the cell.

*Few minutes later*

I was fast asleep when I heard someone calling my name.



My eyes started to open slowly; there I saw a silhouette,"Marinette?"

"Adri-en... Wa- up! Adrien..."

When my eyes fully opened, Kristie was standing outside of the cell.


"Finally you're awake!"

I stood up, strode towards Kristie.

"What are you doing here?"

Kristie just looked at me with an annoyed face.

"You're a superhero that can't even bust out of this cell! Do you know what's about to happen up there?!?!?!"

"Well, I'm so sorry that you thought so highly of me!"

"Ugh!" She walked around the room. She opened crates and cardboard boxes. Was is she doing?

"What in Miraculous' name are you doing?"

She stopped looking and strode back towards me.

"I'm looking for the key stupid. So if you don't mind helping me you may do so."

"Well how can I find the key when I'm stuck in this cell!"

"Aren't you a superhero?! Why don't you bust yourself out!"

She was getting on my nerves,"If I could I would've done it a while back wouldn't I?"

She growled, raised up her leg, and kicked the cell door knocking it over.

I just stood there with a shocked face while she was panting hard; fists clenched.

"You better come with me if you don't want Marinette getting married to Ling."


"WHAT? What do you mean they're getting married??"

"It means that they're getting married dufus!"

I ran out of the opened cell, and out the door. I ran up to the lobby seeing that it was empty; once I looked out into the garden, and there were chairs and a buffet waiting. Flower petals were scattered on the red carpet laid out for this "special" day. At the end of the carpet was Ling. standing there with a smug smirk.

Waiting for Marinette to walk down that red carpet, and making her, his woman.

But there was no way in Miraculous's name was I letting that happen.

"See. Told you that there was a wedding."

I turned around to see Kristie standing there with her arms crossed.

"Aren't they A bit young to get married?"

"Ling probably can't wait for them to get married, and so... There you have it."

I just stood there looking at the decorated garden.

"Well. There's only one thing we can do."

"And that is?"

"Well duh! To stop this wedding and get Marinette back. By the way, do you guys have any camembert cheese."

Kristie raised an eyebrow.

"And some cookies too?" I added.


"Uh-" I laughed nervously,"No reason. I just have to get my energy back by eating hehehe."

She rolled her eyes at me and motioned me to follow her, "Fine, come with me."


Don't kill meeeeee.

I'm sorry for not updating for so long. I couldn't use my phone and school's been hectic lately.

Tests here tests there. UGH IT'S REALLY ANNOYING!

Anyway here's the latest chapter. I hoped you guys liked it heheheheh. Even thought the wedding was a bit random....

Oh whale. Anyway hoped ya'll liked it!

I love ya'll, my duckies!!!!


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