Miraculous Chapter 3

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AN: Hi guys this is chapter three of trip to the homeland, and I hope you like it, but please VOTE and COMMENT. Thank you and enjoy.

Marinette's POV


No. It can't be him. This can't be my old school.


"Aha! Guys it's Marinette!"
Ling started carrying me bridal style.

"Ling! Put me down! Hahahaha!"
He brought me to the group that welcomed us and put me down. Our little reunion was cut short, when the headmaster of the academy stepped in.

Everybody stood still.

"Nettie?" I smiled warmly at him.

"Hi grandpa," he pulled me into a warm hug.

"I've missed you so much! Look at how tall you've grown!" Look at you... My little Nettie is grown all up *sniffs*"

We both hugged each other once more.

"Uhm, excuse me, but I'm Ms. Bustier, Ms. Dupain-Cheng's teacher."

My grandpa a took her hand and shook it. "Nice to meet you, I am headmaster Ping, and you all must be Marinette's classmates,"

They all nodded.

"Well, I actually didn't know Marinette's school was the one we were interacting with, so pardon our little reunion." Grandpa motioned the group to follow him.

"Alright, Ling here shall tour you guys around the school, Marinette will follow you shortly to show you around. Come on now Nettie."

I followed my grandpa. Leaving the class in the hands of Ling.

Adrien's POV

The guy named Ling carried Marinette bridal style. Why would he even do that?! Psshhh that's not even how you carry a girl.

The 'Ling guy' showed us around the campus. A few minutes later we saw a figure coming towards us, and the figure was wearing all red. At the back of my mind I tought, 'ladybug?' But no. She was wearing a dress. She came closer and all our jaws dropped.


She looked gorgeous! She wore a red modern-ish Chinese outfit with roses on them. Her usual pigtails were pulled up into buns. (AN: Pic there ⤴️)
She blushed slightly when she saw us gaping at her.

"Well, aren't you a sight for sore eyes."

Ling, the name tasted foul against my mouth. Wait. Why am I even acting this way? It's not like I'm falling for Marinette. Right?

Marinette's POV

They all gaped at me when they saw me wearing my dress. I blushed. Hard. My grandpa told me to wear it since it's been a long time since he's seen me in one. I tried to say no but he pleaded, and pleaded, and pleaded, until I gave in.

"Well, aren't you a sight for sore eyes." Ling, *sigh* he has to stop with the compliments. I already told him that I'm not interested in him. Even before I met Adrien.

It was my turn to tour them around. I showed them around campus and took lots of pics with Alya. Ling kept on looking at me. It was kind of weird and I was getting uncomfortable.

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